BLOG : Marketing latest field to get ideas, attention from blogs

Bon la ca suffit ! Est ce qu'ici à Montréal il y a une agence qui pourrait se positionner par rapport au blog. Je vais tout de même pas être obligé de prêcher la bonne parole du blog aux grandes agences de la place...

Je lisais dans le CHIGAGO TRIBUNE, quelques témoignages d'entrepreneurs venant de découvrir avec stupeur le pouvoir des blogs :

"A blog is the most cost-efficient way you can improve your search engine rankings. It's nothing short of amazing," said Debbie Weil, a Washington-based corporate blogging consultant and publisher of BlogWrite for CEOs ("

"It's a good way to send traffic to your Web site to buy things," said B.L. Ochman, president of, a New York-based Internet marketing firm."

"If your blog does get noticed and sparks a conversation with an interested party, you may be well on your way to developing a new customer. "If I get just one client, it will be worth it," said Tom FitzGerald, president of FitzGerald Associates, a Lake Forest management consulting firm that launched a blog at the end of June."

" FitzGerald wasn't a blogger before he launched his Web log ( But he didn't want his company to be seen as behind the times. "We need to be there," he said. "It's the latest thing. It's like in the old days you had to have a business card, then a brochure, then a Web site, now a blog. It shows you're serious."

"You have to know the rules. Be fresh, be friendly, be authentic."


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