PUB VIDEO : My NHL trop sexiste !

IPUB.CA.CXLa semaine derniére la NHL dévoilait sa nouvelle campagne. Martha Burk, chairwoman of the National Council of Women's Organizations, a dit que le pub en question,était une offense aux femmes (femme objet) et que cette annonce essayait de vendre du sexe et de la violence.
"The woman is dressed provocatively and when she asks the player if he's ready, it's a double-entendre in my view," Burk said in an interview. "She's in the ad as a groomer, a sex object.
"The commercial is clearly selling sex and violence and the last image in that commercial is a young boy watching this, so he's clearly the customer they're after, or it's a misguided attempt to draw in families," Burk said. "The ad is just gratuitous."

J'ai vu l'annonce ce jour sur TVA mais impossible de la retrouver sur le site de la NHL. Quelqu'un a une idée ou je peux la revoir ?

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