WEb : The Seven Principles of Effective Online Ads

As online media garners more attention from advertisers, and as online media budgets continue to grow, so should the respect for great online creative. As the medium evolves so do the questions from advertisers regarding strategy and results -- which is a good thing. It's why I love interactive media: it is intelligent media.

1- Encourage the visuals to stand out and be visually aggressive
2- Avoid exaggerated cartoons
3- Emotion (a.k.a. sex) still sells
4- Follow the flow -- give them something to look at
5- Beat them up with benefits first
Keep it simple (on le dira jamais assez...)
Brand early and often

Lire les détails : ICI
You can download Lydia Estrada's PowerPoint presentation on this subject from her talk at the May 2005 iMedia Agency Summit.

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