Marketing Magazine – Special Edition – Quebec

It came as a little shock to me when I picked up the latest issue of Marketing Magazine today. I knew that an article I had written on the subject of Blogs was going to appear in the Quebec Special Edition, but I was not expecting my picture on the cover.

Pretty cool stuff.

The article titled Blog, Blog, Blog – Marketers need to realize Blogs are more than talking into an unplugged telephone, appears on page eight.

I was approached by Marketing Magazine to give my views on the Blogosphere and Quebec. I focused on a couple of key Blogs, including IPUB and the three that are maintained by Montreal-based Sparkle Like The Stars, Just Ask Leslie and the official Blog.

Overall, the Blog world is alive and well here in Quebec, thank you very much.

Posted by Mitch Joel on December 15, 2005 Permalink TrackBack (0) Email Comment
l'article ICI et LA !

1 commentaire:

  1. Est il possible d'en avoir une copie ou un scan car on ne le trouve plus dans le commerce ! C'était celui de la semaine dernière.....
