Kaliméra (bonjour en Grec) chère lectrices et cher lecteurs, lors de notre passage à Roma, je devais rencontrer Monsieur FILIPPINI Roberto de l'agence SUNET design&communication, malheureusement nos agendas n'ont pu se mettre d'accord. Toutefois, Roberto a bien voulu répondre à quelques questions par email.

Je le remercie chaleureusement d'avoir pris les quelques minutes nécessaires pour ce courriel-entrevue. Une première partie est consacrée la présentation de la philosophie de l'agence suivie d'une description de l'entreprise et finalement son opinion face au marché de la pub en Italie. Cette Entrevue courriel est présentée en langue anglaise.

First part : Introducing yourself and your company
Since 2002, when it was created, SUNET has had the principal aim of satisfying the purposes of its clients. We constantly dedicate to the field of design and communication, in order to contribute to the increase of our clients’ company and brand, leading to the improvement of their image in the market and taking the most of the technological solutions now available. Characteristics of our professional team are the complete reliability and dynamism, as well as creativity, simplicity and a constant attention to the changes in this type of work.

- what challenge you the most in your current job ?
Now the most important challenges are with the web marketing service and all of this incredibile power with the success of a business on the web.

Second part : Your Business
- compagny name, your name, job title
Studio SUNET, Roberto Filippini, creative manager and other things..
- responsabilities and tasks
I’m a special
- number of employees
My studio is me and 2-3 graphics people that collaborate with me
- year of creation
- mission and services
My studio is especialized in web and graphic projects. My force is especially in web design, logos and web marketing.
We also want to provide HIGH LEVEL SERVICES to all clients, from the big joint-stock or Ltd company to the minor entrepreneur, with highly competitive prices due to our little size and flexibility in the projects.
- adress, website, email
Studio 1: Via dei Giroli, 44 – 25085 Gavardo (BS) Italy
Studio2: Via Barsanti, 25 – 00146 Roma Italy

Third part : The business
- your definition of the adverstising industry in Italy
The advertising market in Italy is still in evolution.
The prospectives are incredible and the potential are so big.
I hope that soon many Italian companies will know how is important the advertising for a web site and the success on internet.

- your clients (some of your best practising - example and weblinks)

KPI management – consulting firm

Eure – Web Agency

Others of our clients and portfolio are in : http://www.sunet.it/english/portfolio-progetti.asp

SUNET design&communication
Studio1 - Via dei Giroli, 44 - 25085 - Gavardo (BS)
Studio2 - Via E. Barsanti, 25 - 00146 – Roma
Line1 335.611.08.27 - Line2 030.817.40.62 - Fax. 0365.34062

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