SITE : Hope spreads fromThe global fund, jean julien guyot,, aids, hivWhile AIDS continues to spread around the world, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has joined forces with Friends of the Global Fight and the United Nations Foundation to unveil a grass-roots campaign designed to fight the epidemic by spreading something even more powerful: hope.

"We wanted to show the global nature of the effort to spread hope in the fight against AIDS, as well as build buzz among a younger, web-savvy demographic by taking advantage of mash-up mania and the popularity of online communities," says senior content developer Kristin Erwin of AKQA, which developed the interactive map (powered by Google Maps and Ajax) at the center of the "Hope Spreads" campaign. "A Google Maps mash-up seemed like an ideal way for people to literally watch their hope spread across the globe as supporters take the simple, hopeful action of signing the declaration and mapping themselves."

Client: The Global Fund Agency: AKQA Art Director: Virginia Golden Senior Web Developer: Alex Nguyen Senior Content Developer: Jon Lee


1 commentaire:

  1. J'adore le concept. Simple et efficace. Tellement, que j'ai eu envie de supporter la cause. Merci Jean-Ju.

    Nous vaincrons le SIDA en éduquant plus rapidement que la propagation de la maladie.

    - Martin Gauthier
