NEW YORK : Jeep, jean julien guyot, new yor,,, jeep compassMEGA PANNEAU JEEP NEW YOK

Jeep Compass launched "City Man", a 30-second TV spot where the Compass cruises the city with company on its back. The opening of the ad reminded me of this spot for Travelers Insurance. Let me know if you agree. Print ads also promote the maneuverability of the Compass; one ad features a surfer, the other a yoga practitioner. "Surfer" is running in this month's issue of ESPN and "Yoga" can be found in issues of Self and Jane. BBDO Detroit created the campaign and PHD handled the media buy.

Petite remarque personnelle, New york est plein de gros chars 4X4, les rois de la surconsommation ? ou alors comme tout est imense dans cette ville alors une grosse voiture à l'allure d'une voiture normale dans une ville de moindre envergure ?


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