PROMO : Project 95 – Explore China with Nokia Nseries

This project is a meaningful event that is solely sponsored by Nokia and delivered by Mr. Peter Schindler. The event brings out the image of a lively and vivid China in addition to the natural beauty and modern scenes through every participant, shares the world with a present China and encourages the spirit of exploration.
Connecting people and let children in remote areas enjoy education are also key focus. After the journey, money collected from auction of the car used in the journey and public donation will go to the China Youth Development Fund.

Peter will depart Shanghai on May 9, 2007. During the next 95 days he will travel 20 provinces along Yangtze River, Yellow River and completes the journey on August 12.

+ de NOKIA sur ipub.

1 commentaire:

  1. Cool comme voyage ! Encore 1 mois 1/2 et me voilà en Chine. Une parfaite occasion pour connaître la publicité de là-bas.
