TENDANCE : Study reveals new consumer-entertainment trends

A new IBM study of consumer behavior in the digital age reveals that the time people spend in front of the computer is rivaling the amount of time spent with the TV, which means business strategies of studios and advertisers must evolve. The survey also revealed that people were looking for more traditional content to become available on their mobile devices.

Extrait : "Personal time that consumers spend on the Internet is rivaling their TV time, with user-generated content and networking sites among the most popular destinations for entertainment seekers. Plus, people seem more open to mobile content and are looking for more traditional entertainment offerings on their mobile devices than previously thought "
"Given the rising power of individuals and communities, media and entertainment industry players will have to become much better at providing permission-based advertising and related consumer-driven ratings services," said study co-author Bill Battino, communications sector managing partner at IBM Global Business Services

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