PRINT : mercedes Breast cancer

Octobre est le Mois de la sensibilisation au cancer du sein. La Société canadienne du cancer vous encourage à prendre quelques minutes pour apprendre comment réduire votre risque de cancer et mercedes aussi.
Unfortunately we can't test everything for you. Check your breast for breast cancer once a month. For your safety's sake. Mercedes-Benz

Unfortunately we can't test everything for you.
Check your breast for breast cancer once a month.
For your safety's sake. Mercedes-Benz

This advertisement for Mercedes was placed in the Pink Ribbon magazine that is published once a year to call attention to breast cancer. All the costs for placing advertisements in this magazine are donated directly to breast cancer research.


1 commentaire:

  1. Le concept est simple et efficace. La Société canadienne du cancer est l'organisme idéal pour se rapprocher de sa clientèle cible.

    Bon travail

    Jacques Blanchet
