STREET: The voice of the street

JE CAPOTE, voilà le genre de projet qui me fait vibrer. Trop souvent en marchant dans les rues d'Athènes de Londres , en Italie et autres grandes capitales, je voyais du street art mais 0 moyen de donner un feedback sur son travail. ALLELUIA now it's possible.

The Voice of the Street from Leif on Vimeo.

What if strangers could give you feedback of your art, without meeting them? This little website allows you to get real voice responses of people who are looking at your art or just listen to what people have to say about the work of others. The people in the cities out there now have the possibility to leave voice messages behind your creative work.

Anything else to say ?

2 commentaires:

  1. There you go hyperlocation, it's not even around the corner, that the way of the present, that's how we, all creatives, need to start thinking in terms of interactions. Forget the browser, forget the web, forget anything that means siting on a chair in front of a computer.
    Thanks JJ for the post, amazing!!!

  2. Intelligent, pertinent et oh combien amusant. Le seul hic, au Canada, les téléphones caméra n'ont pas un taux de pénétration satisfaisant (+/- 60%). Mais bon, si on vise le bon public-c'est génial.

