CONCOURS: The Papervision3D Contest!

Do you want to be world-renown for your Papervision3D skills? Do you think you have what it takes to impress the developers of Papervision3D? Do you want to have a shiny PaperKing3D badge recognizing your awesomeness on your resume? Welcome to the PaperKing3D Contest! Here are the full details:

  • Contest: Best use of Papervision3D. Anything goes.
  • Requirements: Open-source project using the Papervision3D engine (judged on final product, not code). All other complimentary open-source libraries are permitted (Tweening, Physics, Vector, etc.) as long as Papervision3D handles the third dimension. Enter as many times as you wish.
  • Deadline: August 15th, 2008 12:00am Pacific Time
  • Judges: the Papervision3D team

1st Prize: Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection

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