SITE: bankers stories

La Société Générale dont la crédibilité et l'image avaient pris un sérieux coup suite à l'affaire Jérome Kerviel (7 milliards d'euros perdus en mauvais placements), tente de séduire à nouveaux les entreprises et les particuliers avec ce site d'auto-satisfaction: oui on s'aime, oui on est bon la preuve en image.

bankers stories, jean julien guyot,,, blog, marketingMerci Bertrand pour le lien.

Through a series of thirteen 30-minute films, Société Générale has chosen to give a voice to those who work in the bank everyday: the men and women who help individuals and companies accomplish their projects.

Designed by Harrison & Wolf, this reality campaign is a first. It shows the vision of the bank as as all the different jobs, and also shows how those who work there contribute to economic, social and societal progress.

"We wanted this campaign to be "real". We wanted to show the enthusiasm, the professionalism and client commitment that motivates our teams", says Jean Bourdoncle, Director of the Société Générale Brand. " In the current climate, we really wanted to reaffirm the raison d'etre of our professions which provide truly local services that support the real economy".

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