STATS: online Canadian teens...

... are significantly more likely to have a social network profile than online Canadian adults. Over three-quarters (76%) of online Canadians teens aged 12-17 now have a social network profile, up from 50% in 2007. The rate of increase is higher than that reported for the online adult population, which increased from 39% to 56% over the same time period.


A new study from Ipsos Reid shows that only 26% of online Canadians are aware of Twitter. Of those, 6% reported using the social networking tool. This only equates to 1.45% of the Internet population. Not surprisingly, awareness of Twitter is higher among 18-34 year olds (32% aware). Awareness is also significantly higher among those online Canadians with University educations (34%, compared to only 19% of those with a high school education or less). Interestingly, awareness is significantly lower in Quebec (only 7%).

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  1. Je viens de découvrir votre blog aujourd’hui et je pense que je vais passer plusieurs jours dessus.
