PUB: Yoplait pledge

Know your girls. Lower your risk. Take the pledge.

Yoplait has raised over $22 million for breast cancer over the past 11 years. This year, they wanted to do even more.

How do you target a campaign to one million 22-year-old girls about breast cancer? More importantly, how do you get them to listen?

Yoplait® asked Publicis Modem to craft a bold, digital educational campaign to educate the Gen Y demographic. So they took to the streets of Facebook with anything but a marketing campaign.
Not only was the campaigns use of a quiz on Facebook bold, but some of the applications went beyond Facebooks current functionality. Some applications locked out boys.

All users can fan the page, pledge, gift risk-lowering tips to their friends, and donate their status, but only women can take the quiz and share their tagged girls with other young women. Sorry guys.

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