TECHNO: Space&Dream strike the Canadian National Exhibit

Une boite que je suis depuis quelques années, très talentueuse, très avant gardiste de Montréal.

With E, a 14 minute 3D film projected on the front facade of the Toronto Exhibition Place. Thousands of visitors were on site to witness the premier of E on August 21st.

The Montreal multimedia studio specialized in immersive experiences, was asked to join the production team to create the 3D content for the showcase. The projections take spectators through time to witness energy in its multiple forms throughout evolution on earth. "From our universes big bang to manmade energy, E amazed the Canadian National Exhibit crowd. " explains Julien Abril, Space & Dream's Artistic Director.

The project was directed by Alain Couture along with assistant director Vincent Rouleau. The score was produced by Edmund Eagan from Twelfth Root. Néo6 provided the technical direction for the installation.

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