HEINEKEN | 'Sunrise' #mysunrise

The latest Enjoy Heineken Responsibly initiative "Sunrise belongs to moderate drinkers".

TECHNO | AR for National Geographic Channel

Appshaker recently launched a unique way for people to interact with the amazing world of National Geographic Channel's content from around the globe.

Using the principles of augmented reality, people could immerse themselves in different scenes such as dolphins, leopards, the space landings, dinosaurs and more.

1000s of people interacted with the National Geographic Channel brand in the process as it toured Hungary, with 1000s more people sharing snapshots and video on Facebook as a result.

For more info on appshaker, please head to appshaker.co.uk

CHANGE | Ju$txt – an SMS-enabled corruption reporting service

Ju$txt – an SMS-enabled corruption reporting service designed to empower victims of commonplace corruption around the world; providing campaigners and governments with the data they need to fight corruption more effectively.

TECHNO | Right Now technology

RightNow is a provider of customer experience technology services for consumer-centric organizations. Founded in 1997, RightNow is headquartered in Bozeman, Montana, employs more than 700 people, and serves over 1,900 organizations worldwide. RightNow is listed on the NASDAQ under the symbol RNOW.

AR | The Volkswagen Beetle. Juiced Up

The Beetle is back. Same soul. Different shell. Download the app at www.vwjuicedup.ca

AFFICHAGE | Et si Ben Ali se présentait dimanche aux élections en Tunisie?

«Réveillez-vous, la dictature pourrait revenir. Venez voter le 23 octobre», préconise l’association Engagement Citoyen.



src: N Messier.

Talk about opportunists, the ad agency DDB Auckland has altered public benches to imprint an advertisement for Superette, a clothing chain in New Zealand, into the bare legs of people who sit on them. The advertisements read “Short shorts on sale Superette” – a perfect way to send a message.

SITE | Slavery footprint

Vous connaissiez votre empreinte écologique, mais connaissez vous votre empreinte d’esclavagiste...Au travers d'un court questionnaire de 11 étapes qui permet de déterminer votre poids dans ce système qu'est l'esclavage vous obtiendrez votre "note" est surtout une prise de conscience du problème et une liste d'actions à mettre en oeuvre. 

Je souligne également le superbe travail d'infographie et de visualisation de donnée du site.

AFFICHAGE | ramasser vos merdes

Nice idea from Prague. What is the best way to visualize the battle against dog poop? Shoes of course. Expensive shoes. That what the did in this campaign for Praha 7, a municipal district in Prague, Czech Republic.

PUB | A good turn, for a drunk friend, could save their life

While it’s not too exciting in concept or execution, the message is vital. Classic rock fans will recall that both Jimi Hendrix and AC/DC singer Bon Scott died from aspirating vomit while passed out.

NEUROMARKETING: Laurence Serfaty

Merci Amandine pour la référence :) Un film de Laurence Serfaty.

Nous sommes submergés de publicité. Chaque année, des milliards d'euros, de dollars ou de yens sont dépensés pour tenter de nous persuader d'acheter tel ou tel produit ou pour nous influencer dans nos choix électoraux. les enjeux de cet exercice sont très importants puisqu'il s'agit de maintenir le système de production et de consommation sur lequel est, pour le moment, fondé le développement de nos sociétés.

Les techniques publicitaires sont aujourd'hui tellement sophistiquées que nous pouvons nous demander si nous disposons encore de toute notre liberté de jugement, si nous ne sommes pas dejà des citoyens sous influence, d'autant plus que de nouvelles techniques de marketing, apparues il y a une dizaine d'années, s'intéressent de très près au fonctionnement de notre cerveau.....

Tout le documentaire ici:

Neuromarketing, des citoyens sous influence 1/3 par Super_Resistence

NEUROMARKETING: la foi et le mystique dans la pub

Neuroscientisct demonstrate that the faith and mystic experience for a product , service or a God activate the same area of the Brain. In this ad the language used to create the customer experience uses all the symbols of one of the largest religion on earth (language italian)

src: Neuromarketing

Nature ou culture toujours ce bon vieux débat philosophique. La religion est un conditionnement qui a un impact sur notre manière de voir le monde. Un "héritage" de 2000 ans sinon plus laisse forcément des empreintes comportementales dans nos esprits.

PUB: Ken Block's DiRT 3 Gymkhana - Tilt Shift Edition

Following the 500k+view success of Ken Block's DiRT 3 Battersea Gymkhana video, we're excited to release this stunning new footage of his spectacular run at Battersea Power Station, as filmed through a tilt-shift lens. The tilt-shift lens creates the effect of a miniaturised world as Ken Block performs a masterclass in car control around the iconic London landmark which was turned into the DC Compound -- a level from DiRT 3 set at Battersea Powerstation.

DiRT 3 boasts more cars, more locations, more routes and more events than any other game in the series. Players can push their car control to the limit in all-new, Gymkhana inspired showpiece challenges and enjoy a career of an elite professional driver, competing in off-road racing events on the intense, weather-beaten Rally stages of Europe, Africa and the US.

DiRT 3 is now available for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC Games For Windows LIVE.

Music Track Information:

"New Cities (Featuring Kiki Hitomi)"
Performed by Starkey and Kiki Hitomi
Written by P J Geissinger and Kiki Hitomi.
All masters owned by Planet Mu
Used by permission from P J Geissinger and Kiki Hitomi.

PUB: Reporters without borders - The voice

Publicis Brussels made a new campaign for Reporters Without Borders. Discover it here.


VIDEO: Inspiration pour la STM | Chromaroma - Gamifying London Transport

Chromaroma takes your travel data and makes it into a game where every journey counts in a competition for the city!

Chromaroma from Mudlark on Vimeo.

VIDEO: Doktor Proktor And The End Of The World

Aschehoug Publishing built an exhibition consisting of life size monsters to publicize Jo Nesbø‘s children’s book Doktor Proktor and The End of the World. Maybe.

PUB: America Wireless Companies

Wireless products and services provide consumers tremendous convenience and benefits. In this recently launched "Command" television ad, CTIA highlight just a few of them.

IDEA: a unique insight into a vanished world in order to imagine a new world.

Ci-dessous, la fameuse Mapa Mundi d'Hereford. Cette carte ancienne représente le monde tel que les anciens était en mesure de l'aborder en fonction de leurs croyances et de leur connaissances.

Pourquoi ce billet ? Simplement un rappel à tous que tout s'invente en tout temps et d'une manière permanente et simultanée. C'est surement ce qu'il faut ne pas perdre de vue en publicité mais surtout dans les relations humaines.

PRINT: Help Japan

poster from Paul Vickers, Creative Director Consultant at Vision 360 France.
Proceeds of poster sales to The Red Cross and save The Children.

via Osocio

PUB: adidas ALL IN

Le défi de réunir plusieurs sous marques (originals, performance, style) autour d'un seul porte drapeau semble simple mais ces 3 instances avaient des styles très différents. Le résultat est cohérent et dans la lignée des autres campagnes. Celebrate originality parlait uniquement d'originals et impossible is nothing uniquement de performance difficile alors de comparer car "all in" c'est tout adidas sans distinction.

PUB: all event

Tu veux jongler avec Gignac en mangeant une barbe à papa pendant que tes amis font du rodéo avec un ghetto-blaster ? C'est toi qui décides !

Une fois tu as rêvé d'une fête tellement géniale qu'en te réveillant tu as pleuré ? L'appli all event te tend une main amicale pour que ton rêve devienne réalité. Tu places tes stars et tes attractions, tu trouves un concept inédit, tu récupères des votes, et si tu es sélectionné ton événement verra le jour le 10 mai 2011.

PUB: ONE DROP Will you be my date on World Water Day March 22?

Close to 1 Billion people without access to safe water would like you to.
It starts with just ONE DROP.

PUB: One Million Heineken Hugs

To say "thank you" to Heineken Facebook fans for getting us to one million "likes", Heineken sent a team of Heineken Huggers out to the streets of Amsterdam, to give back some of the love. We hope to get to you all eventually!

CONCOURS: Nominees for the Osocio’s Best Campaign of 2010


Changing behaviours

“We’re in the business of changing behaviours, not winning awards.” is the statement Armando made last year. Why are we doing this award, then? Because we want to put the most creative and innovative social ads in the spotlight, so that non-profit organizations can learn and benefit from these best practices.

We don’t intend to compete with big advertising festivals. Our aim is to award grassroots initiatives and advertising campaigns that try to solve real-life problems. Let’s not forget that Osocio is the place where advertising and activism collide.


The 20 nominees this year show us a remarkable evolution in social advertising. When I started blogging about this niche industry in 2005, most of the campaigns where print-only. The majority of the campaigns in 2010 are driven by online video. Digital and real-world interactivity, and social media, are growing fast. My prediction for 2011 is that these two will be the leading campaign instruments.


Just like last year each jury member will choose a top-10 from the nominees list and score them from 1 to 10.

All Osocio bloggers are members of the jury. And I’m proud to announce these ten external jury members:

  • Aurélia Courtot, founder and blogger at influence-ethique.fr.
  • Constantin Nimigean, Owner and blogger at oitzarisme, an important inspirational website about photography and founder of Love Issue online magazine.
  • Fırat Yıldız, Art Director at McCann Erickson Turkey and blogfriend for a long time at Elma+Alt+Shift.
  • Geoff Livingston, former public relations strategist, now Co-Founder, CMO at Zoetica.
  • Jean julien Guyot, Trust Manager at agency SID LEE and blogfriend for a long time at IPUB.
  • Martina Zavagno: Interactive marketer working for a premium sports brand. And famous advertising blogger at Adverblog.
  • Nedra Kline Weinreich, Founder of Weinreich Communications, expert in the field of Social Marketing.
  • Olga Figurska, Editor in Chief at the Polish website about social advertising Kampanie Społeczne.
  • Sacha Declomesnil: E-marketing and web2.0 strategist. Specialist in fundraising 2.0. His blog.
  • Tim Nudd, Editor at AdFreak.com.

The deadline for the jury is February 5.
The winner will be announced at February 7.
This is the Top 20 list of the best social campaigns featured on Osocio in 2010. One of these campaigns will become the Osocio’s Best Campaign of 2010 (see them after the break):

Aides: Naughty Graffiti
Aides / France / TBWA\Paris
See the original post


Zero Rupee note fights corruption
Fifth Pillar / India
See the original post


Have a break: Greenpeace vs KitKat
Greenpeace / UK
See the original post


I kill 15 people every minute
Solidarités International / France / BDDP & Fils
See the original post

May I

Every Team Needs a Shirt
180 / Netherlands/USA
See the original post

May II

Old Is The New New
HOPE Worldwide / India / Dentsu Marcom Pvt Ltd, Gurgaon, India
See the original post

HOPE worldwide INDIA: Old Is The New New


Instant Oil Spill
Greener Media / USA / Mark & Phil
See the original post


July I
Alzheimer’s Erasers
Alzheimer’s New Zealand / Colenso BBDO, Auckland, New Zealand
See the original post

Alzheimer’s erasers your memories. Save them

July II

Dispensing Dirty Water
See the original post


The Majestic Plastic Bag
Heal The Bay / USA / DDB
See the original post

Signs of trouble on the I-75
Norm Magnusson / USA / Funism (Norm Magnusson)
See the original post


It Gets Better
Dan Savage / USA
See the original post

The Guide Dog Interviews
Guide Dogs NSW / ACT / Australia / Three Drunk Monkeys
See the original post

December I
What’s so great about growing old?
Liga Preuana de Lucha Contra el Cancer / Peru / Y&R, Lima
See the original post


December II
Attraction Le Manga
INPES / France / DDB Paris
See the original post

Edito pick

Embrace life - always wear your seatbelt

Sussex Safer Roads Partnership / UK / Daniel Cox

See the original post

Editor pick

The $73,000 bar bill

Ogilvy Brazil

See the original post

Editor pick

A history forgotten is a future lost

Apartheid Museum / South Africa / TBWA\HUNT\LASCARIS

See the original post

Editor pick


The Test Tube / Canada / National Film Board of Canada

See the original post


Editor pick

It rarely stops

National Domestic Violence Hotline / USA / Y&R Chicago

See the original post

PUB: PETA go veggie

pourquoi lorsque je mange des épinards ça me fait pas le même effet ??

Dégradant ?
Provocant ?
Avilissant ?
Sexiste ?
Désespéré ?
autres ?

CONCOURS: Nominees for the Osocio’s Best Campaign of 2010 announced.

The twenty best social campaigns of 2010.

Osocio is proud to announce a list of twenty nominees for the Osocio’s Best Campaign of 2010 award.

Last year, we did this for the first time and it was quite interesting. In 2010 we did it a little differently. Each month, all the Osocio bloggers voted for the Campaign of the Month. The result: 15 great campaigns shortlisted for this Campaign of the Year election (15 because in three months we had two winners). From all second places I choose personally 5 editor picks. that makes 20 nominees in total.

Find out more HERE.

PUB: audi A4 robot

Agency: DDB Barcelona
Client: V.A.E.S.A.
Product: Audi A4
Executive Creative Director: Alberto Astorga
Creative Directors: Alfredo Binefa, Jaume Badia, Alejandro Arriagada
Art Director: Jaume Badia
Copywriters: Alberto Astorga, Alfredo Binefa, Alejandro Arriagada
Production Company: Agosto
Director: Nacho Gayan

PUB: LG Prank Campaign - My wife smashed my TV

Le recrutement via facebook est la partie intéressante de cette campagne.