VIDEO: vidéastes sprinspotters recherchés

We are currently preparing a special video project for spotters
to participate in. A few weeks from now, we will need people with
video experience to conduct a series of street interviews in
cities around the world.

No editing will be required: all you will need to do is hit
the streets and film people answering a few simple questions.

* Access to a MiniDV video camera
* Experience with filming street interviews
* Availability to work on Wednesday, 8 October 2008

You will be rewarded with 200 points or USD 200 for your
effort, and we will help you with every step of the process.

If you're interested, please reply, informing us of the following:

1. Where you live
2. What video equipment you have access to (model, make)
3. What prior video experience you have
4. Whether you're available on 8 October 2008

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Michell Zappa

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