BLOG : une affaire de réputation...

A cause de l'omniprésence et du pouvoir grandissant des contenus personnels sur le web, la question de la confiance prend de plus en plus de poids.

"Going forward, trust (will be) the thing that makes the Internet possible. Reputation management will be more and more important," Caterina Fake, vice president of marketing at photo community site Flickr (une la compagnie YAHOO du Canada qui s'apprête d'ailleurs de partir s'installer en Californie.. je comprend, le climat...)

The need for "trust" networks may become more acute as people spend more time online and increasingly use the Internet for commerce, communications and socializing.

"Where human interaction transitions into the real world, you're going to need some methods for verifying the person is who they say they are," said Robert Goldberg, a venture capitalist with Idealab, an incubator of technology start-ups based in Pasadena, Calif.


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