TENDANCE : Big in 2007

Le 27 novembre je vous parlais du message de l'agence PSFK : death of advertising. J'ai reçu une belle inivitation de leur part... C'est à vous de jouer maintenant !
ipub.ca.cx, jean julien Guyot, PSFK, new york, big in 2007

Thanks to all of you who have posted and linked back to us over the last few weeks, we do appreciate it. We also wanted to let you know about an upcoming project that we're really excited about and wanted to share – and hopefully encourage you to participate in.

Over the next couple weeks, we will be asking our readers to record themselves telling us "One thing they think will be big in 2007 and why they are excited about it" and then uploading the footage to YouTube.

We're hoping to get submissions from people of all backgrounds and from every corner of world. It's not a popularity contest, so don't feel pressured to talk about what everyone else is doing (or will be doing); we just want to know what people are excited about for the coming months. It could be anything, but probably the first thing that springs to mind.

All you have do is record a video a clip up to 1 minute long and add it to YouTube with the tag 'psfk2007.' Use a web cam, a cell phone, a digital recorder – we don't care – we just want to hear it from you. After two weeks, we will go through them all, have a ponder and come up with a single film containing clips that illustrate some macro-trends that are reflected in what you are all saying in the videos.

If YouTube is too much of a hassle for your, feel free to send them to jeff@psfk.com and we can post them for you. You can view all the videos that have been uploaded so far here.

Jeff Squires


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