TENDANCE : la peur fait elle vendre ?

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How They Change Your Mind
by Martin Howard

"an entertaining yet McLuhanesque 'Medium is the Message,' filled with engaging graphics and provocative but easy-to-follow guidelines for maintaining autonomy in a world made of marketing."
- Douglas Rushkoff

This book reveals the current tactics that corporations and governments are using to make secret approaches in five major areas of our lives:

# The Retail Zone
# The Personal Zone
# The Event Zone
# The Media Zone
# The Virtual Zone

For the first time, this illustrated guide presents the full range of techniques that are being used in the battle of your mind - bringing together research from hundreds of different sources.

Inspired by the popular book Coercion by Douglas Rushkoff, this book presents key ideas and case examples in a practical, easy-to-follow, illustrated format. Rushkoff himself contributes the Introduction.

Martin Howard has spent over 15 years in the marketing field with over 10 of them in advertising agencies. While witnessing the decline of the traditional advertising agency, he became interested in emerging forms of communication and stumbled upon the writings of Marshall McLuhan and others, who charted the profound but underestimated impact of electronic media. Now a strong advocate for media literacy, his interest is in making these theories accessible to average consumers and students. He lives in Brisbane, Australia.


1 commentaire:

  1. avoir aussi :

    Avaaz started another worldwide action. This time it's about the clash of civilizations. The Stop the Clash campaign challenges the growing belief that fundamental divides between the "West" and "Islam" make conflict inevitable.
    According to Avaaz, there is nothing inevitable about this false "clash" and it's up to us to stand up for the truth. Here are some facts and figures Avaaz publish on their website:
    81% of Europeans and 87% of Americans want Middle East peace. (Eurobarometer, Gallup) 65% of Egyptians and 74% of Jordanians want democracy. (The Great Divide: How Westerns and Muslims View Each Other; Pew Research Centre) 62% of Palestinians and 67% of Israelis want real Middle East peace talks, although each side remains deeply skeptical of the other's sincerity and commitment to genuine negotiations.
    As people's fears are stirred up, there are some signs of people moving further apart. The Pew Research Centre carried out research into attitudes between Muslims, Westerners and Muslims living in Western countries. They found some opinions that were cause for concern. For example, in Nigeria, 73% of non-Muslims now see Muslims as violent, with 67% in India and 60% in Spain sharing that point of view. In the US, the number is 45%.
