BLOG : The 1% Army Canadian Blogging Tournament Begins,, blog, pub, advertising, jean julien guyot, 1 army blogging canada, sean moffitBlogger en mal de reconnaissance, ego à flatter, la compétition du 1% army canadian blogging commence. Votez pour vos blogs préférés dans les catégories suivantes :


After a couple of weeks of gnashing our seedings in the brackets, attached is the final 1% Army Tournament Bracket (an assembly of Canadian blogging wisdom and influence that has not heretofore been assembled or seen):
Download 1armybracket.xls

The Goal: to be awarded status of Chief Army General of the 1% Army, in return for winning our tournament as judged by a panel of experts.

How to Participate: In the first round, submit your best three posts by September 8th, 2007all must have been published in 2007 and 1 has to be new post since August 11th, 2007. Each subsequent round will have slightly altered rules.

Criteria Your Posts Will be Rated Against: Your posts will be evaluated by an expert set of judges with 5 criteria in mind:
- overall impact (20%)
- clarity of thought (20%)
- did it make me want to think/act differently (20%)
- did it want me to comment/participate (20%)
- originality (20%)

Where Do You Submit Your Posts: Submit the links to three of your posts to either , as a response to this post at Buzz Canuck or on the wall of our Facebook group

What Does the Road to the 1% Army Finals Look Like:
Submission Period Judging Period
1st Round - The Battalion of 128 Aug 12- Sept 8 Sept 9-15
2nd Round - The Division of 32 Sept 16- 29 Sept 30-Oct 6
3rd round - The Company of 8 Oct 7-Oct 20 Oct 21-27
4th round - The Final Four Oct 28-Nov 5 Nov 5-12
Winners Declared - General, Colonel, Major, Captain and Lieutenants - November 15th

Judges: TBA w/o August 21st
Prizes : TBA w/o August 28th

What's In It For You:
- Profile for your ideas and blog amongst an influential social media savvy audience and media
- Membership in an exclusive 1% community of marketers/digiterati/media-ites/flacks who like to create content and start conversations
- Potential entrance into a Final Four 1% army live event
- An incentive to improve the quality of your posts
- Network, kinship and friendly competition with your tournament seeds

Other News:
- now that we've got the seedings determined, we'll dish up a widget next week and hopefully you'll publicize the tournament on your blog
- there are 6 candidates army positions still left - given a nice weather summer, i believe a lot of the army is still on shore leave - the first 6 who sign up, take the last spots


6 in the bank, 6 more to go

Code of 1% Honour

- get in contact with your seed pairings and shake hands before letting social media blood spill on the blog battlefield

Why Do You Call It the 1% Army
- as identified by Wikipedia, Yahoo and others, in any population of people, there are 90% of people who consume content, 9% of people who trade and exchange it and 1% that produce it - the 1% Army represents that group of pople within the Canadian marketing/media and digital worlds.

Our Motto:
"One can resist the invasion of an army but one cannot resist the invasion of ideas."
(Victor Hugo / 1802-1885) (NOTE IPUB : Victor Hugo est né dans ma ville d'origine : Besancon)
Dismissed...and good luck, Sergeant Buzz Canuck....


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