SITE : coke zero

Coke and Coke Zero taste very similar. Don't stress about the taste confusion; let your smarmy lawyer do that instead. That's the concept for Coke Zero's "Covet & Yourminy" campaign that uses the faux law firm C&Y to find prospective plaintiffs angry with Coke for creating "taste confusion."
ipub, coke, blog, jean julien guyot,,, coke zeroThe campaign used inexpensive media buys, similar to those a local law firm might purchase, such as radio, bus shelter and truck advertising.ipub, coke, blog, jean julien guyot,,, coke zeroPeople who played along were mailed a C&Y taste kit, including a C&Y insulated beverage sleeve and coupons for both Coke and Coke Zero. Better still, radio ads gave listeners a toll-free hotline number to call and leave a message for C&Y's taste litigation experts. More than 17,000 real phone calls have been placed so far. That's a lot of free time. Crispin, Porter + Bogusky created the campaign and handled the media buy for the microsite, taste confusion kits, and the outdoor bus shelters and the trucks wraps in Atlanta.ipub, coke, blog, jean julien guyot,,, coke zeroQU'EN PENSEZ-VOUS ?

3 commentaires:

  1. Crispin, Porter + Bogusky made an another campaign for Coke Zero in the beginning of this year, with an almost similar concept. It's still reachable at
    The idea behind that one was that Coca-Cola was suing Coke Zero, because it "tastes the same". The campaign knew a little viral succes, but everyone had the same reaction: why would a brand sue itself? This idea is better. Should've done that in the first place, no?

  2. Cool Thx for your comment !

    I did not know that coke did something close.

    I agree the current campaign should have done before !

    Thx for reading us. We are not good english writer to publish english news on a regulally basis. Feel free to send us your news !

    Your site ROCKs MAN !

  3. Thanks, so does yours :-) And I read you in English and French, so don't worry about the language, as long as it's interesting!
