STREET : 500 wants Paolo Casalis

Paolo Casalis, un designer italien m'envoie le fruit de son travail quant au concours fiat 500 wants you (ipub 27 mars 07).
Who, during his childhood but even in his adult age, has never used dirty car glasses as a surface on which toleave his own messages? The classic “Wash me! ”, with the verb rigorously in the imperative form, like if the car itself was asking for it. In the same way, for the launch of the new 500, cars of every city will be covered with imploring writings: “Don’t wash me, buy it!” it is the message of a guerrilla marketing operation through which the cars themselves will ask their owners to be replaced with the new Fiat ‘500. Armed with stencil templates, water buckets and small sponges, groups of “graffiti writers” will explore the cities searching for cars on which to leave their message: in front of schools, outside pubs and parties, in the center of the city as in its suburbs. Once the subject has been found, the stencil template is leaned against the dirty glass, which is then cleaned with a sponge until it reveals the image of the new 500 and its advertising claim.

This is a targeted marketing operation, since it is realized on the most neglected and older cars, therefore more suitable to be replaced with the new Fiat ‘500; at the same time the Adv message will be diffused everywhere in the city and outside of it, through the cars that will remain parked and those that will move in the streets, guaranteeing much more visibility than traditional media could do.
Finally, this guerrilla marketing operation is ironic, temporary (it disappears with two windscreen wiper strokes), it is not invasive and, most of all, it is clean, since it does not cover or stain the city, indeed it partially cleans up the glasses of the cars that circulate in it.

It’s your car that is asking for it: buy the new Fiat 500!

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