BLOG : intégrer un blog dans votre stratégie PR

Je vous en parle depuis qu'IPUB existe ou presque, voilà une liste d'opportunité d'affaire à saisir grâce aux blogs :

Keep your hand on the pulse: Partner with online research firms that mine and analyze user-generated media to determine if and how bloggers are buzzing about issues related to your business.
Map your blogosphere: Survey your audience and identify those who actively write and/or read blogs.
Weight your target blogs: Develop quantitative and qualitative metrics to rank the most influential bloggers for your industry. When determining a blog’s influence, evaluate the types of links on the blog, frequency of content updates and the credibility of the blog author. Track key stakeholders’ awareness and reactions to the blogger’s entries.
Solicit blogger feedback: Consider establishing an online network of autonomous bloggers who can review new products and services as guardians of public interest. Participating in blogosphere conversations would underscore your company’s transparency.
Build an online information hub: Bloggers build a substantial portion of their content by linking to official sources. Keep them in the loop by providing easy-to-find, current information on your company Web site. Include transcripts of important offline news coverage about your business. Refer your Web site visitors to third-party sites where they can download additional information.
Take questions and reply: Use your company Web site as an interactive forum to answer questions frequently asked by your online and offline stakeholders.
Legalize company blogs: It is crucial for companies to understand that bloggers will exercise their right to freedom of speech. Human resources and legal departments can create guidelines to protect employees who blog and facilitate their conversations with other bloggers.
Stay ahead of the curve: Research communication trends that are likely to follow blogging. Watch companies that develop next-generation communication technologies. Study the media usage habits of early adopters and trendsetters.

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