AFFICHAGE : les infirmières en colére !

voilà l'avenir de nos sociétés vieillissantes, une surpopulation d'inactifs (au sens capitaliste du terme) et de surcroit agée. Nos politiques qui ne voient pas plus loin que le bout de leur petit nez n'ont forcément rien prévu pour ce TSUNAMI démographique,social et sanitaire. Alors les infirmières du "Ontario Nurses Association" (ONA) se lancent en campagne

The Ontario Nurses' Association (ONA) has launched a $2-million public affairs campaign to pressure the provincial government to invest in nurses and repair the crisis in quality patient care."ONA has launched the 'Not Enough Nurses' campaign because nurses - and most importantly, their patients - know the government has yet to deliver on
its campaign promise to hire 8,000 more nurses," said ONA President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN.

Beginning the week of September 12, "Not Enough Nurses" advertisements will appear in transit shelters and billboards across the province; they ask the public to urge government to invest in hiring and training more nurses. Torontonians will see dozens of the ads appearing across the city. "Both patients and our members know there aren't many more nurses working in hospitals and long-term care facilities now than there were when the Liberals came to power," said Haslam-Stroud. "Ontario has the second-lowest number of nurses per capita in Canada, and studies have shown a link between too few front-line nurses and poor patient outcomes. We believe patient care is more important than balanced budgets." JE SUIS TELLEMENT D'ACCORD AVEC CE DERNIER ARGUMENT !!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

«Les boomers finiront bien par crever». Quand Alain Samson a lâché le titre de son tout nouvel ouvrage, les éclats de rire n'ont pas tardé, d'autant plus que son auditoire était constitué en bonne partie de la génération X.

Abonnement gratuit !


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