BRANDING : avez vous pensé à l'hologramme ?

Marketers and advertisers, pay attention: Vizoo, a Danish ad/film agency, claims to have developed the world's first holographic films (called 'Free Format') and live film inside a brand logo ('Videologo'). Basically, it is a free-floating hologram which looks absolutely true to life. The film merges with the foreground and background to create an illusion in a real-life setting. Think 3D movie images of people, products or rotating logos in shop windows, or at outdoor events. This is definitely a service you have to see, not read about, so: view the demo. Clients already on board: '3', the mobile phone company, is currently one of the pioneers of Vizoo's services in Sweden and Austria, while SF Film, the Scandinavian distributor for Lord of the Rings, used the holographic wizardry to promote the movie in stores across Denmark and Sweden last Christmas.

[sRc] : trendwatching

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