BLOG : Les bloggers difficiles pour les annonces sur leur site

Un article d' AdAge que je viens juste de voir et qui date du 9 novembre, il m'était passé sous le nez... Les opérateurs de blogs difficiles avec le choix des annonceurs qu'ils acceptent de publier !

NEW YORK ( -- Bloggers are surprisingly picky about the ads they will accept, according to panelists taking part in the Ad:Tech “Blogvertising Opportunities,” session at the New York Hilton.

Gawker publisher Nick Denton emphasized that he would not accept an ad from Wal-Mart. See a five-minute video excerpt from the session.

Standing room only
The topic of the mechanics and trends involved in blog advertising turned out to be one of the three-day conference's hottest, drawing an overflow, standing-room only crowd to the Hilton's Nassau suite.

“If we were approached by Wal-Mart, they would not be appropriate for us,” Nick Denton, head of Gawker Media, told the audience. His readers, aficionados of what is hip in media, political and tech circles, would not accept any big, mainstream brand, he said.

Mr. Denton, a pioneer among bloggers in accepting advertising and running his 14 blogs around an ad model, has not been shy about accepting ads from name brands like Nike and Sony, which resonated cool among his niche readers, he said. Gawker Media’s stable includes Gawker, Wonkette, Defamer and Gizmodo.

Via AdAge (avec abonnement gratuit)

2 commentaires:

s. branson a dit...

Je ne retrouve plus l'article du mois passé, mais le blog de Boing Boing a des revenues de 40 000$ US mensuelle avec les clics des gens sur les pubs ou avec la commission des achats, je ne pourrais dire.

voyance gratuite en ligne par mail a dit...

Excellent article qui va beaucoup m’aider.


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