Sent: 16 décembre 2005 10:00
Subject: new post for ipub


I would like to ask if you could have a look at this ad for Shell. It's an ad for Shell Lubricants, meant for industrial purposes. It is based on an optical illusion. Looking at the ad, it seems as if the gears are actually turning.

ipub tomas minken shell illusion optique

The credits are:
Art: Albert Vegers
Copy: Tomas Minken
Photography: Simon Warmer
Agency: JWT Amsterdam

Ca va faire plaisir à GOTS !

6 commentaires:

Unknown a dit...

On devrait faire payer pour les relations publiques (en supposant que celui qui t'a envoyé le lien a conçu la pub et qu'il veut que tout le monde en parle).... c'est une blague!!

Anonyme a dit...

My French isn't all that, but am I right if I thought you think it's strange that we would like to know what one would think of our work? Wow, my English might not be al that also... But I thought this was the right place to drop work to get some feedback??? Sorry if I misunderstood.

Greetings from les Pays Bas

Jean-julien Guyot a dit...

Hello Albert,

You're right this is the good place to have feedback. But we can not force people to post their comments.

however what is sure, is that your creation is seen by thousands of readers. These readers are for the majority resulting from the industry of advertising and especially, continue to send your creations to us.

sincerely, Jean Julien from IPUBCANADA

Unknown a dit...

Houd postend uw werk! Wij houden van het!

Anonyme a dit...

Hahaha, parler hollandais c'est facile n'est-ce pas!

Anonyme a dit...

ok Keep It Simple and Stupid... mais y a des limites, cette pub est nulle, elle s'appuie sur le seul effet visuel elle est loin de la stratégie verte que SHELL a développé depuis qq années. je dis que c'est une pub facile et qui n'importe rien à la marque sauf un ressenti négatif.


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