VIRALE : Pick on People Your own Age!

Produced by: VAVi Sport and Social
Title: Pick on People Your own Age!
Video Editor: Dustin Schmidt
Camera Man: Jason Gorman
Stars/Cast: VAVi's Bobby Petersen (little bully)

Terrence Fenningham (big bully)

The great kids from The Childs Primary School in San Diego, CA
** No children were harmed during the filming of this commercial.
** Note: Thanks to the parents for signing the waivers, the school faculty and staff, and the kids for making this commercial happen!!

Pour des activités et sports d'adultes. C'était bien pour le public cible j'imagine, cruel comme humour noir basé sur le film DodgeBall, il y a la typo à la fin m'a laisser un froid à la fin. Sur

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