EVENEMENT : Montreal’s first-ever Marketing Unconference


This is a very cool and very new idea. We’ve all been to marketing conferences, but have you ever been to a Marketing Unconference?

An “unconference” is not organized by a group of set people – it’s organized by all of us. You simply go to the wiki and change it. It’s pretty cool and very simple.

That’s what CaseCamp is and I’ve put my hat in the ring – you should too.

This will be Montreal’s first-ever Marketing Unconference.

CaseCamp was created by Eli Singer (who is based in Toronto) and here’s how the CaseCamp Wiki describes it:
“CaseCamp is a marketing oriented unconference… it's open to anyone and completely free.

CaseCamp is about telling stories. Presenters… share case studies of their work. The goal is to create a commons for discussion, learning and networking.”

So, what does this mean? This is your conference… not mine. Go to the CaseCamp Montreal Wiki – http://www.casecamp.org/home/show/July+4+-+Montreal - change it, add your name to it, give a presentation and join the conversation.

French or English - present in your language of choice.

I just love the notion of a Marketing Unconference – if you’re involved in the marketing and communications, you should come by.

The date is Tuesday, July 4th6:00 pm at Twist Image (we will, hopefully, have to move it if enough people sign up).

Check it out here: http://www.casecamp.org/home/show/July+4+-+Montreal.

If you’re still not sure what this is all about, please check out the wikipedia explanation here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconference.

Be sure to forward this anyone who might be interested in marketing and communications - this is not my event - this is ours.

Spread the joy - I hope you’ll join me,

Mitch Joel | mitch@twistimage.com
Twist Image - www.twistimage.com | Read My Blog - www.twistimage.com/blog

3530, boul. St-Laurent, bureau 304, Montréal (Québec) H2X 2V1

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

We have moved the venue to the Radio Canada - CBC building. For more information and to get self-organizing, please visit: www.casecamp.org.


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