TECHNO : The eMarketer Daily is now available as a Podcast., martin gauthier jean julien guyot, emarketer.comNow you can listen to the eMarketer Daily on your way to work or as you work. To listen using iTunes, or another podcatcher program, simply drag this chicklet or copy the following link to the podcast section of the player.

To subscribe, so that the eMarketer Daily podcast downloads each morning automatically, follow the directions in your program of choice. It will be pretty straightforward. Either you drag the chicklet to the appropriate window -- which will subscribe you -- or, use the link and there will be instructions on where to place it. In iTunes, you go to the Advanced menu, select Subscribe to Podcast, and paste the link in the window.

To listen to the eMarketer Daily podcast directly, just click on the following link:

Merci Gots pour l'Info !

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