GUERILLA : la neige comme support du message

La météo prévoit encore des chutes de neige vendredi, jean julien guyot, flickr, serviceplan,

Last winter was the longest Munich ever had. After four months people were sick of snow and ice. They knew this attitude and used snowfalls in February to create in onconventional way the feeling for sunny holidays. Their promotion team was instructed to write last-minute offers on the snowy Windows of cars. Furthermore, promotion cards advertising the web site were put under the wipers. Agency: Serviceplan Munich, Germany.


2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Génial! Excellente campagne à moindre frais et maintenant qu'il neige à Montréal, on pourrait tenter !

Gots a dit...

Wow! Directement le genre de pub que les juges de Cannes adorent. Est-ce qu'on connait les résultats quantitatifs?


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