ÉVÉNEMENT : Design Blogfest NY 2007

Des designers se donnent un nouveau rendez-vous cette semaine à New York pour parler de tendances, d'avenir, de créations ! A quand ce type d'événement à Montréal ? Une niche marketing à développer pour des marques qui souhaitent construire un branding fort.design blogfest, ipub.ca.cx, infopub.blogspot.com, designWhat better time than Spring and New York Design Week for another Design Blogfest party. It’s official, Apartment Therapy, TreeHugger, Curbed, MoCo Loco and Blogfest newcomers The Apartment, Cool Hunting, NOTCOT and Cribcandy are throwing a party on May 18th in NYC and you’re invited. This time we’ve partnered with The Apartment (thanks Stefan!), we’ll be using their space in SoHo on Crosby. It’s from 6pm-9pm and we’ll have food and drink on hand compliments of Swich and 10 Cane Rum. Thanks too to Freeset for the graphics. Please RSVP at icff@theapt.com

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