Born out of a quest to understand what the web would afford creatives both as an unprecedented divingboard to promote themselves and receive non-intermediated visibility, Netdiver has accompanied the rise of many successful freelancers and agencies and has bloomed to become an internationally recognized inspirational resource and career launchpad.

Netdiver is proud to launch a year of festivities by releasing the official 10 year anniversary poster to say thank you

for being such a wonderful and loyal audience through the years.

Free to download, print, post, circulate and enjoy!

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IPUB.CA.CX DE LA PUB RIEN QUE DE LA PUB ! - Copyright 2003-2009 All Rights Reserved
C'est quoi ¦ C'est un blog qui diffuse gratuitement de l'information sur la publicité et les communications partout dans le monde.
C'est le premier blog québécois qui parle de publicité et qui s'adresse à la fois aux professionnels et aux étudiants.
C'est un formidable moyen de donner son point de vue et de démarrer des discussions.
C'est un outil d'échange au service d'une communauté de passionné(e)s!