SITE: crime medicine

Aviez-vous pensé un jour acheter vos médicament sur internet ? Si oui pensez-y à 2 fois. En Suède, le business des faux produits soignants fait froid dans le dos. J'ai particulièrement apprécié l'intro du site puis l'interface vidéo.

crime medicine, sweden , eajn julien guyot,, is an information campaign from the Swedish Medical Products Agency. Its purpose is to inform people about the risks involved in bying medicines from unknown Internet sites. 50% of medicines sold on disreputable sites are counterfeit and may contain just about anything, which means that they are potentially lethal. Internet trading in counterfeit medicines is increasing in leaps and bounds. The Medical Products Agency has therefore been tasked by the Swedish Government with launching a public information campaign.

About the Medical Products Agency

The Medical Products Agency is responsible for the approval and control of medicines, among other things. Our task is to ensure that the individual patient and the healthcare system have access to safe and effective products.

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