Mercredi, Mars 26, 2025

PUB: Royal Life Saving Association of Western Australia

- The Dancer

LIVRE: neuro-éthique

Que nous enseigne la science du cerveau sur nos jugements et nos comportements moraux ? Deux livres traitent la question en présentant une discipline nouvelle : la neuro-éthique.
Télécharger ce(s) document(s) :

par Stanislas Dehaene


montré introduces YUL-LAB to help you evaluate your advertising model with minimal risk in a test market before implementing it elsewhere. Ensure your success thanks to Montreal’s expertise in strategy, media planning and creative applications.

What is the YUL-LAB?
THE YUL-LAB: A predictive and reliable advertising experimentation model
Minimizing risk through experimentation

Global brands aiming to access new markets, to introduce new products and services as well as develop innovative campaigns are faced with risky, expensive and complex operations. Today’s Chief Marketing Officers (CMO) must deal with market globalization. They are under constant pressure to optimize investments. In addition, CMOs must rethink creative products and advertising investments as well as account for the new role played by digital technology. In this new reality, where mistakes can be fatal, advertisers are dreaming of finding new ways to test novel advertising combinations. The goal is to discover and test new methods that reliably predict success or failure.
What is the YUL-LAB?

The YUL-LAB fulfills new needs. It was created to reinvent advertising. A unique experimentation lab, it was designed for international brands to help them develop new predictive and reliable advertising models that will later be exported. The Lab allows global brands to test all possible advertising combinations because it converts ideas into reality while measuring results and predicting success. The lab optimizes Montreal as a cultural microcosm and provides advertisers with a realistic environment for experimenting new advertising models that can later be reproduced anywhere in the world.
Why Montreal?

Metropolitan Montreal is unique. It is home to an infinite range of media opportunities. It is founded on human and material capabilities, academic and intellectual resources as well as creative resources that allow experimentation with target groups that represent numerous cultures and languages. Montreal possesses all the essential assets of a perfect human laboratory to help brands build predictive advertising models. For example:

1. Montreal’s media environment is overdeveloped.
2. Montreal is a mainstream market with its own star system, and is close to major brands’ international headquarters.
3. Montreal is an isolated market where experiments can be performed in a controlled environment.
4. Montreal allows investment optimization while experimenting at low cost.
5. Montreal is renowned for its cultural effervescence, which nurtures great creativity. It abounds in world-class strategic and creative advertising talent.

YUL-LAB benefits

The Yul-Lab is the principle commercial offer of, the online portfolio of Quebec’s 65 advertising agencies. As such, it provides advertisers with a custom-made destination to experiment and develop new advertising models for export. The Lab also provides brands with important additional direct benefits:

1. Media inventory : preferential and competitive rates (TV, radio, printed, out-of-home, web, etc.) that were pre-negotiated with Quebec’s largest media and research groups;
2. Efficiency, flexibility and timeliness: excellent return on investment (ROI) through low-cost trials, timeliness and flexibility, as well as world-class talents at a competitive price;
3. Multidisciplinary services:a collaborative environment made up of experienced multidisciplinary teams ready to work with advertisers (advertising agencies, production companies, research firms, media groups, marketing and business consulting firms, photographers, graphic designers, etc.);
4. Research and follow-up: access to top professional resources, marketing research and tracking products that were pre-developed for this kind of initiative;
5. Straightforward hosting structure: a single point-of-entry.

How to qualify for the YUL-LAB?

1. Become a new advertiser in Montreal, or launch a new project;
2. Demonstrate the research and/or development nature of a project;
3. Obtain the approval of a committee composed of representatives from the Association of Quebec Advertising Agencies (AQAA), the advertiser, its agency and media outlets.

How to contact the YUL-LAB

Montré of Quebec Advertising Agencies
Yanik Deschênes, President and General Manager
Phone: 1 514 848-1732, ext. 203, or 1 877 878-1732
E-mail address:
Fax: 514 848-1950
2015, Peel St., Suite 925
Montreal, Québec
Canada H3A 1T8

STREET: Mini Amsterdam: Christmas boxes

SIMPLE ! (Heineken a utilisé le même procédé dans la même ville 2 semaines avant Mini)

PUB: Wish from the homeless

The Wish-project
What if theres a bunch of people who never receive a New Years card. And what if it is exactly them who send you the best wishes. Wouldnt that be great? Wouldnt that make you think?

Thats why we Made By Society started the Wish-project: an online video project to create awareness for the homeless.

The message:
A WISH from the homeless to those who have homes.
Would it be too much effort if we ask you something in return: What is your wish for them?

PUB: Havaianas welcomes Winter

Madrid, Spain - Wednesday December 2nd 2009
Lucy, a Havaianas brand lover, reports to our consumer service her concerns about wearing her pair of Havaianas in winter time, in order to keep the Mental Holidays spirit all year long.

La Plagne, France - Monday, December 14th 2009
The ASTF (Always Summer Task Force), a team of experimented scientists decides to leave Madrid headquarters for the French Alps with the aim to answer this question by achieving several cold resistance tests.

Madrid, Spain - Monday 21th December 2009
A commitee of international scientists are gathered in Madrid to publish the results of the experiments.

Here is the video of our experiment

The conclusion is clear: HAVAIANAS IS WINTERPROOF
From the beach to the mountains, from the sand to the snow, it doesnt matter: it's always summer with Havaianas.

PUB: adidas star wars Laser

adidas Death Star Superlaser application.

The Adidas Originals application uses facebook connect to personalize the application experience, even granting you power over the Death Star control deck so you can blow up your Facebook friends’ streets with help from google maps.

PUB: orange airball

Poetic.Orange is launching a huge pan-African communication campaign to coincide with the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations.

The ad was created by Publicis Conseil.

TECHNO:nice augmented reality holiday card

Inspirational augmented reality e-card for x-mas from the multi location agency evidently.

Is it a really AR application, I don't not think so but it could be a real feature to propose to tourism board for instance.

SITE: Smokefree North West

Smokefree North West is challenging the region’s young people to unveil existing negative practice within the tobacco industry with the launch of its short film competition. The aim of the campaign is to encourage 14-18 year olds to research the hard facts behind the tobacco industry in order expose the truth themselves, including issues such as child labour and deforestation.


CINEMA: ikea Cinema Catalogue

Excellent approche de guerilla marketing pour la marque ikea dans les salles obscures.


AFFICHAGE: twitter panneau publicitaire urbain

Freed Maxick utilise twitter pour faire de la publicité dans les rues de Buffalo. Les informations en temps réel sont affichées sur un panneau interactif.

twittywall, jean julien guyot,@jeanju, twitter, ipub,,, strategy, blog Contracted with Lamar Outdoor here is a digital "Twitter" billboard in the City of Buffalo. The billboard is located on the inbound side of the I-190, near the Smith Street Exit. Updates to the Firm's Twitter page ( will appear simultaneously on the Billboard. The firm plans to use the billboard as a means to offer its high-value, issue-oriented content to the business commuters of Buffalo. The Firm is looking in other markets in Upstate New York to run the digital boards, including Rochester and Syracuse.

VIDEO: The Internet: Past, Present & Future from Comscore

This video interviews industry luminaries including John Battelle, Mark Cuban, Wenda Harris Millard, and many more to explore how the internet has changed their lives over the past ten years. Highlighting what they were doing online in 1999, we quickly see how this medium has evolved to where it is today. It also sheds light on the next big paradigm shifts that they see occurring in the digital landscape. This introspective on the internet past, present and future, allows us to remember the first time we heard the dial up noise, to reflect on how much we rely on the internet today and to glimpse into the next major developments we can hope to see. As comScore celebrates its ten year anniversary this year, it seemed only fitting to celebrate and explore the space that has allowed our business to thrive for all these years and to look forward to our future endeavors.

PUB: Some Things Can't Be Reversed

The horrifying repercussions of drinking and driving bluntly tumble from the screen in an emotive film for the New Mexico Department of Transportation written and directed by Smoke & Mirrors New York's (SMNY).

PUB: ERA Real Estate : Huizenjacht

Campaign for real estate broker ERA, who supports the homeless this winter based on a real television program about people looking for a house...

HORS MEDIA: Sky Movies Snow Globe

Avant hier à Londres le réseau de télévision SKY mettait de la magie de Noël dans le coeur des londoniens. Un stunt signé CAKE.

TECHNO: glasses Direct AR

Econsultancy recently announced the winners of its 2009 Innovation Awards. You have to “see” the winner in the ecommerce category –

Glasses Direct wins for its use of augmented reality tool that allows you to “try on” glasses virtually, and I have to say it looks pretty good, check it out: (if you can’t see the video, click here).

PUB: epson gaming

J'adore.Extreme gaming - strap an Epson HD ready projector to your front, a PS3 to your back and take gaming to a whole new level. This is Need for Speed taken to new heights.


PUB: Perrier la main sexy

AH les années 70 que de bons souvenirs. A l’occasion des fêtes de fin d’année, Perrier se joue plus provocante en nous faisant revivre un grand moment dans l’histoire de sa communication publicitaire. Voici le légendaire spot daté de 1976, intitulé « La Main ». Perrier ose et propose un mini-site sur un ton second degré.

AFFICHAGE: Varial et les 7 doigts de la main

un boulot signé Varial.

varial, psy, 7 doigts de la main, jean julien guyot,,
Voici l'affiche de PSY. Prochain spectacle des 7 doigts de la mains. C'est une des trois affiches officielles. Le spectacle qui fait sa premiere le 16 fevrier a la tohue, sera accompagne d une exposition retracant l histoire autour de l affiche. Tous les skecths, maquettes et idees seront presentes, chronologiquement jusqu aux visuels finaux. Plus de 200 heures de travail pour en arriver la.


SITE: Netdiver What is LOVE?

Power to live? Inspiration to achieve and act above andbeyond? Determination to overcome? Companionship and enduring friendships? Complicity, communion, mutuality? Generosity? Appreciation? Inconditional compassion?

However you describe it, LOVE has always been the most important ingredient of Carole Guevin life. When she started on the web 15 years ago, vouched to find a way to promote the gift of creators and leverage the talents and the contribution of we, as dreamers and doers, do to the world.

As the season is nigh to celebrate and as JF and Carole Guevin enter a period of mourning for the soon... loss of her little brother, Carole Guevin want to share this special gift with you, the LOVE poster.

Free to download, share and print.

Carole Guevin, netdiver, jean julien Guyot, ipub, blog, strategy,,
What is LOVE?
Leave a comment.

PUB: Philips pense à vous pour Noël

Philips sensual massagers for couples, the perfect gift this Christmas. The more you touch the sexier things get.

PUB: shit happens

La fin d'année c'est l'occasion de faire les fous et de sortir les feux d'artifices..mais prudence un accident est si vite arrivé.

STREET: Condom Mob

En Italie une action dans une université contre le Sida.

PUB: ikea soft toy AID

For each soft toy sold during a period leading up to the Holidays, IKEA makes a contribution to UNICEF and Save The Children to support children's education.



Les party de fin d'année vont bon train et les excès d'alcool peuvent créer des situations tristes. voire dangereuses Cette campagne anglaise est assez trash mais à le mérite de faire réfléchir. La modération a bien meilleur goût.

Mary would never normally drop her knickers in the middle of town but she really needs to go, and after 10 alcopops she's lost it. If you don't want to end up in a Cocktale like Mary, know the tricks—get the right mix.

AFFICHAGE: interactive poster in subway

Across Sao Paulo's subway system, interactive posters were available to users, where they could transform themselves into werewolves or vampires using the application, watch trailers and a special message from the actors, and also download a mobile application through bluetooth.

New Moon: Touch Screen Posters transforming users to Werewolves and Vampires from ginga on Vimeo.



Encore un autre jeu de réalité augmentée ... il semble que cela va devenir un standard.

Merci pour Publigeekaire pour l'ajustement de l'info :)

PUB: the lynx gallery

Pour les amoureux du body painting lynx/axe:

AFFICHAGE: Hermes Tokyo

Maison Hermès (ginza5-4-1, chuo-ku, tokyo) Window Display Nov 19, 2009 ~ Jan 19, 2010


AGENCE : 2009 c'est Sid Lee

C'est officiel. Marketing Mag vient de publier la nouvelle: Sid Lee is Marketing's Agency of the Year.

PUB: Vittel Water

It must be the water - Agence: Ogilvy & Mather, Paris


PUB: Coke Open Happiness

New Australian Coca-Cola Commercial (2009 Summer! eh oui c'est l'été en Australie).

TENDANCE: concours votre prédiction Deloitte 2010

Publiez votre vidéo en ligne présentant votre prédiction 2010.La vidéo gagnante sera affichée lors du lancement des Predictions TMT 2010 de Deloitte, qui sera retransmis en direct lors du coup d'envoi à Montréal le 19 janvier 2010.

Si la communauté et un panel de professionnels en technologie, médias et télécommunications secteur au Canada VOUS choisissent, votre vidéo sera présentée devant foule de responsables de Deloitte, dirigeants, directeurs généraux, présidents et autres personnalités dans le secteur des TMT canadienne.

VIDEO: le Darketing nouveau est arrivé

L'un des maîtres de la sociologie française, Michel Maffesoli nous présente son analyse de nos "idolatries postmodernes", de la place des icônes dans le monde contemporain. Lire la suite.

CINEMA : Emirates ICE over 1200 channels onboard

Leo Burnett transforme une salle de cinéma en intérieur d'avion et présente son programme de divertissement: I.C.E (Information, communication and entertainment – over 1200 channels of programing that you control).

PUB: condoms vs aids

ADVERGAME: Le lait sur ipod/iphone

Depuis le 1er décembre, le tout premier jeu pour iPhone et iPodTouch gratuit offert par un annonceur Québécois est disponible sur le AppStore. tricot mania, la lait, jean julien guyot, ipub, blog, strategy,, la présente campagne d’automne du Lait, les agences Touché! PHD (certifiée AppStore) et NolinBBDO ont joint leurs efforts pour créer un jeu intitulé « Tricot Mania ». Déjà présent sur le site et sur Facebook, cette nouvelle version ajoute la mobilité et l’interaction entre les joueurs.

tricot mania, la lait, jean julien guyot, ipub, blog, strategy,,

PUB: Ikea Billy

La série Ikea Billy fête ses 30 ans l'occasion d'un nouveau design et d'une campagne web pour la Suisse.

Version courte

Version Longue

STREET: Rexona Men tuning

Au Brésil, promo de la marque de déo Rexona via une plate forme de jeux vidéo.

VIDEO: The carbon fighters

Carbon Fighters is a further step in its sustainable development strategy. Carbon Fighters intends to be “the first worldwide community to fight Carbon in a creative and playful way in the business environment”.

Advertising Agency: TBWA\MAP, Paris, France

PUB: Stella Artois AR Xmas e-Card

Stella Artois has launched a Christmas "Send a Card, Save a Tree" campaign that lets consumer send a free, branded, beer-themed augmented reality Christmas eCard.

PUB: Honda imagination

J'ai hâte de voir le making of de cette pub Honda.

303 is launching a new campaign for the Honda Jazz dubbed ‘Imagination’ which demonstrates the car’s versatility and interior space using flowing Mega Bloks.

The children’s plastic blocks flow in and out of the car, transforming into a series of objects along the way – a giant dog chasing a ball, a sneaker-wearing octopus, a surfboard riding a tidal wave and a submarine.

To produce the commercial the technical team measured the interior of the Honda Jazz, calculating the total volume of the car to be equivalent to 1,469,333 Mega Bloks. Each object in the TVC was then designed using this full complement of blocks, and the commercial finally stitched together from 366 still photographs taken over 12 hours.

PUB: Combat pour la vie

La Société canadienne du cancer et DDB Toronto invitent la population à se joindre au combat dans une campagne pancanadienne plutôt mordante. Déclinée en messages télé, imprimés, radio, en ligne et sur le site

SITE: The Truth About Smart

Découvrez point par point les avantages parfois surprenant offerts par la Smart.

smart,the Truth About Smart, jean julien guyot, ipub, blog, strategy,,

CONCOURS: A quoi rêvent les Québécois(es) ?

Le concours Lottomax invite les internautes à créer des vidéo illustrant leurs rêves. Le gagnant se verra offrir un voyage pour 2 personnes (2 destinations au choix :voyage exotique à Tokyo ou Safari photo en Afrique du Sud). Au regard du gros lot offert il semble que cela corresponde avec le premier rêve des Québécois(es). Dans le top 3 des rêves on retrouve:

- voyager autour du monde
- aider les autres (cause, santé, famille)
- construire une maison

Un exemple de création vidéo:

Les résultats du concours seront dévoiler lors d'une grande soirée fin janvier 2010. D'ici là les participants ont jusqu'au 6 décembre pour soumettre leurs vidéos et obtenir un max de votes.

PUB: There's music in the air by Sony

There's music in the air. TV ad for PlayNow plus, Sony Ericsson's new music service.

PUB: Si les dealers disaient enfin la vérité

Si les dealers disaient enfin la vérité. Deux des trois films viraux diffusés sur Internet à l'occasion de la campagne 2009 "Drogues : guette l'info, traque l'intox" de l'Inpes

TENDANCE: consommation 2010

Bientôt 2010 :)


SITE: Cirque du Soleil Xmas

Win show tickets, send free greeting E-cards and offer other gifts from Cirque du Soleil :

PUB: Casa do Menor

A heartbreaking video from Italy for Casa do Menor, an organization that work in Brazil and Africa to guarantee minors’ rights and fights against sexual abuse.
“Sexual abuse can be a heavy burden for a child. Help us. Casa do Menor.”


PUB: Garmin Xmas

Late-night holiday revelry with a nutcracker and his nüvi.


PUB: Movember Alvaro chante Chiquita

Movember est une célébration annuelle de la moustache qui se déroule tout le mois de novembre afin de sensibiliser le public à la santé masculine, particulièrement au cancer de la prostate et au cancer des testicules.

PUB: Orangina Shake that ass

A dance audition aimed at the world’s most talented and up-and-coming performers has been unveiled online at

Dancers will compete for a one-year contract worth € 10000 on the 2010 Orangina Dance Team. Winners will travel around the world to various dance capitals, and will be featured on posters, billboards, flyers, online videos etc.

PUB: YFKE viral revealed

Fin octobre Eloi Paré nous faisait part de son écoeurantite du sexe partout pour ce qui semblait être un viral Samsung. Hors il n'en est rien c'est pour la marque hollandaise de prêt à porter Van Gils.


Cette année encore Noël incarne la nostalgie (ce n'est pas un concept des plus créatifs on est d'accord), à croire que c'est la tendance du moment. Après le voyage en 1963 Stella Artois, SCHWEPPES nous fait également voyager dans le temps avec une fine touche d'humour.

autres vidéos via

PUB: McCain La magie de la patate

An enchanted potato factory is the scene of this latest work for McCain's, created by Beattie McGuinness Bungay.

PUB: Demi Moore wants You

We all want to be WANTED but what is it we are Wanting? Send me your videos of what you are Wanting in a Man or what you are Wanting in a Woman! Send it to Youtube and tag it: URWanted or email it to

la réponse de Bruce.

To promote Demi Moore Perfume: WANTED.

PUB: Stella artois back in times

Live from 1963. Welcome to the first eco-chic show on Le Toube. Join host Alain du Monde as he declares his love for Mother Nature and welcomes a gaggle of chic guests who also live green. A really fashionable, flattering shade of green. STELLA ARTOIS.

PUB: Taiwan army recruits

Comme si la guerre était un jeu...

Recruitment Center of National Armed Forces (國防部人才招募中心)


Me voici de retour après 3 semaines de congé paternité.

jean julien guyot, ipub, strategy, blog, montreal,, infopub,blogspot.comMerci pour votre confiance et votre patience.
La veille ipub recommence cette semaine :)

PUB: Orange snowball xmas

c'est Nowel.........toute l'anné avec ça je crois pas au Père Noël, je ne suis pas un bon consommateur ;)

HORS MEDIA: Daffy Fitting Dance

From the New York Times: "The discount retail chain Daffy's staged such live performances over the weekend at the Ziegfeld Theater in Midtown Manhattan before screenings of the new film Amelia. In a campaign by Johannes Leonardo in New York, part of WPP, dancers acted out how shoppers try on clothes in what was called Fitting Dance."


Des nouveaux personnages pour le service francais IDTGV.

PUB: Breast Fest

Le mois d'octobre n'est pas encore fini et la sensibilisation au cancer du sein continue à l'année longue.

Breast Fest uses the versatile medium of film to frame and explore the spectrum of issues surrounding breast cancer. This annual festival uses films, panels, workshops and speakers to connect people to the breast cancer cause, inspire dialogue, facilitate learning and foster community. Breast Fest is the world's first film festival dedicated to breast cancer awareness and is an initiative of Rethink Breast Cancer. For more information about Rethink, visitThe second annual Breast Fest Film Festival will be taking place at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada.

PUB: samsung allure

Yke Sturm stripping in a limo, ce qui semble être un viral pour SAMSUNG.

PUB: foot locker video contest

La marque Foot Locker lance son concours de création vidéo; tactique très répandu en ces périodes de stratégies participatives, communautaires, blabla, social media...D'ailleurs Lottomax Canada et Lottomax Québec ont eux aussi ouvert un concours semblable. L'effet Best job in the world continue à faire des petits.

WEB: Google social search

Your friends and contacts are a key part of your life online. Most people on the web today make social connections and publish web content in many different ways, including blogs, status updates and tweets. This translates to a public social web of content that has special relevance to each person.

PUB: Kasabian Football Hero

An experiment to create a giant (three stories high!) guitar game controlled with footballs. Football Hero is played by a team of insanely gifted young freestyle footballers. The game is programmed with the Kasabian track Underdog.

The freestyle footballers are: Paul Wood, Paul Klein, Darryl Stewart, Tom Pett, Lewis Foster & Harry Adcroft - see for more info.

PUB: sony Bravia See More colours

Le retour de la saga sony Bravia:


PUB: Yaris Fest

déja vu chez honda il y a un an, le budget en moins et une mission différente et plus proche de la création de cette campagne de Yahoo/ford.

PUB: subaru se paie SNUGGIE

A clever car advertisement by Subaru Canada, poking fun at the recently famous, "Snuggie" (The blanket with sleeves!).

via snuggie fan club

SITE: The Eyeblaster Awards

Revoyez des exemples de créations web avec les Eyeblaster Awards.

Since 2001, The Eyeblaster Awards have been recognized as among the most prestigious global awards in digital advertising. They are a celebration of engaging, effective and creative campaigns from around the world.

The Conspiracy to Change Adverting again will be the first experts to register their votes to select the 2009 Eyeblaster People's Choice Award for North America and International.

EVENEMENT: Collective daydream

Come and check it out. With a drink in hand, listen to and take part in the discussion about your Amsterdam in fifty years from now.

sidlee, jean julien guyot, ipub, blog, stragety,,

PUB: Vodafone 1000 mobiles symphonia

Watch the TXT message symphony played from 1000 mobile phones.


PUB: Global warming is great news for cool Canada!

Greenhouse gases cause global warming, and in Canada, greenhouse gas emissions are going up. That's great news for anyone looking to plan a Canadian vacation!

More greenhouse gases means more warm weather, and a warmer Canada is the perfect place for your next family holiday.

Canadian Tourism Federation Welcome Video from Canadian Tourism Federation on Vimeo.

Did you know that Canada's emissions have gone up more than any other G8 country? We know that a warmer Canada is a place you'll want to visit, and that's why Canada is working hard to keep its emissions on the rise.

Warmer Canadian temperatures make Canada an unbeatable choice for a fantastic family holiday. In fact, we think the only thing warmer than our weather should be our famous hospitality!


BRAND: adidas Pieces.of.Heroes

A successful production in Cinema 4D 11 and After Effects artist Camille Marotte presented yesterday Fubiz.

Pieces.of.Heroes from Camille Marotte on Vimeo.

WEBCOM: ubiquité grace au webcast

Rendez-vous le 22 octobre 2009, de 9h à 18h HNE !

et en primeur, une piste complète sur les MÉDIAS 2.0

Le 22 octobre prochain, plongez dans l’univers du Web et venez constater tout le potentiel que cela représente pour votre entreprise. Rencontrez plus de 40 conférenciers-experts réunis à Montréal pour des séances de formation, études de cas, conférences et débats.

webcom s'adresse aux décideurs et professionnels de l’Internet et de l’Intranet, du marketing et de la communication interne et externe.

Vous pouvez aussi participer gratuitement à webcom à partir de
15 h 30 et assister à la présentation de 5 Keynotes de calibre international.

webcom, un incontournable dans le circuit des événements majeurs internationaux.

Free Videos by Ustream.TV


She is a man eater...

Quite a deadly little fella - this tiny hamster in Martin Werners new spot for scandinavian sound provider HIFI KLUBBEN. Agency Lowe Brindfors, Stockholm. No animals were harmed during shoot.

PUB: Jameson

En aout dernier la pub Johnnie Walker mettait la barre haute. Malheureusement Jameson n'a pas réussi à la dépasser.

SITE: facebook facelift

The Facebook Facelift is a self initiated project to challenge the form and functionality of Facebook. It's streamlined, structured and linear interface is more comprehendible, enhancing the user experience and absorbability of content.

Facebook Facelift - Home & Profiles from wearetol on Vimeo.

View all images on Flickr.

PUB: Bacardi bat

Quel dommage, cette annonce "Halloween" pour Bacardi démarrait vraiment bien mais la chute est totalement bof. Celle-ci est beaucoup plus le fun et pas du tout halloween.

PUB: sleevie; donate blood

Un bon spoof pour une bonne cause: le don du sang: introducing Sleevie! The ultra-soft shirt with ultra-giant sleeves that give you the freedom to donate blood.

Petit rappel judicieux de la journée: avez vous signifier votre consentement derrière votre carte d'assurance maladie ?


Le street marketing permet une interaction concrète avec la marque, facilite la propagation d'une histoire, nourrit la curiosité, dispose d'un fort capital de bouche à oreille, s'appuie sur des dispositifs peu couteux et créativement plus souple que les supports traditionnels. Bref, une tactique efficace pour faire vivre une expérience de marque.

Il y a quelques jours, de gros œufs étranges sont apparus dans les rues de Dublin, c'est sony qui les a déposé, pour en savoir plus, voir le vidéo ci-dessous.


PUB: Volkswagen POP CORN

Poésie, idée délirante, promo produit tirée par les cheveux, Volkswagen fait manger du pop corn à tous les Brésiliens.

SITE: Chevrolet Agile Brésil + AR

Une application intelligente de la réalité augmentée pour Chevrolet Brésil, dans laquelle l'internaute devient l'interface de visualisation, fini donc de présenter des images comme un con devant sa webcam. Quoique basiques les quelques interventions (souffler dans le micro pour dissiper le nuage comme dans certains jeus de Nintendo DS, déplacement du corps pour animer la présentation genre wii Balance gaming, ...) ajoute à l'expérience utilisateur, le site s'articule autour d'une bande son entrainante et d'un vidéo dynamique.

CONCOURS: Varial c'est le LUX

Le pote VARIAL remporte au total 5 prix LUX, dont 1 grand prix.

Grand prix-catégorie recherche personnelle.
varial studio, Cedric Houin, LUX, ipub, jean julien guyot,,
Prix architecture varial studio, Cedric Houin, LUX, ipub, jean julien guyot,,
Prix gastronomie varial studio, Cedric Houin, LUX, ipub, jean julien guyot,,
Prix relève varial studio, Cedric Houin, LUX, ipub, jean julien guyot,,
Prix publicitévarial studio, Cedric Houin, LUX, ipub, jean julien guyot,,

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C'est quoi ¦ C'est un blog qui diffuse gratuitement de l'information sur la publicité et les communications partout dans le monde.
C'est le premier blog québécois qui parle de publicité et qui s'adresse à la fois aux professionnels et aux étudiants.
C'est un formidable moyen de donner son point de vue et de démarrer des discussions.
C'est un outil d'échange au service d'une communauté de passionné(e)s!