TECHNO: augemented reality T-SHIRT

PaperTweet3d: Augmented Reality T-shirts from squidder on Vimeo.

At squidder, they have been playing around with the FLARToolKit a lot recently. Pretty amazing stuff really. And while fooling around with it, something (perhaps obvious) occurred to them: they love flash. And they also love t-shirts. And Papervision. And Twitter.

And, suddenly, they had a way to combine them all together.

Below is an early technical demo, in which a barcode, containing a twitter username, is embedded within our FLAR pattern. This is important because you don’t need to create a new pattern for each username. Instead, the flash reads the person’s username (up to 8 characters, encoded in 6 bit chunks) and then pulls that person’s latest post from twitter.

The source code is a mess, but they’ll be posting some more how-to details soon.

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