ART PROJECT: LEGO fix for distressed walls

C'est la crise...sortez vos LEGO.

lego, art project, amsterdam ,jean julien guyot,, ipub, blog, strategy,
For artist Jan Vormann, holes in old walls aren’t eyesores but opportunities to add colour to the city. Why should you have to repair a building using the material it was made out of?

lego, art project, amsterdam ,jean julien guyot,, ipub, blog, strategy,

Vormann found Lego to be the perfect solution for fixing cracks, holes and crumbling corners. He fills them with the plastic bricks, calling the practice Dispatchwork. Vormann had already left a colourful trail of repairs in Berlin; Bocchignano, Italy; and Tel Aviv, when Platform21 decided to invite him to patch up some Amsterdam walls during a Dispatchwork workshop in collaboration with Amsterdam's Centre for Architecture

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