SITE : un petit plus pour les accros de la pub !

Saviez-vous que Sympatico/MSN, offre un service d'information sur la publicité. Il désire vous aider à rester à jour sur ce qui se passe actuellement dans le monde de la publicité. Joignez-vous à d'autres professionnels de l'industrie qui veulent être au courant des occasions de placement publicitaire en ligne et d'autres développements des médias en ligne. Inscrivez-vous maintenant afin de recevoir notre bulletin mensuel « Les Tendances interactives »!

Mais ce n'est pas tout, nous en "bloguions" d'ailleurs avec BRANDMAKER, Bell développe le virtual marketplace.

Together, Bell Canada and BidClix Canada Inc. provide Bell Virtual Marketplace service - one of the Internet’s leading and fastest growing performance-based advertising networks. Bell Canada through its Sympatico / MSN portal and services combines the most popular Internet tools from MSN Canada with the rich Canadian content of Sympatico. BidClix Canada Inc. is a leading contextual advertising network and technology services provider.

Based on a unique bid-for-placement model, Virtual Marketplace enables online advertisers to attract prospective customers by placing ads into highly targeted contextual channels and web publishers to maximize yield by selling their advertising inventory to the highest bidder.

Unlike pay-for-placement search engines, (e.g. Overture, Google, FindWhat), Virtual Marketplace does not sell keywords or search results. This allows greater flexibility for advertisers, who can then place their ads on a wide variety of content channels. These text ads can be served into all types of standard ad units, including banners, skyscrapers, big boxes, etc.

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1 commentaire:

Jean-julien Guyot a dit...

Dear jean julien Guyot,

I regret to inform you that we were unable to approve your application for the Virtual Marketplace Publisher program brought to you by Bell Sympatico.

This email notification does not provide detailed information about that decision. However, the typical reasons why an applicant may not be approved include the following:

* Website does not meet minimum traffic requirement, or

* Website contains Adult or inappropriate content, or

* Website is not in English.

Website does not meet minimum traffic requirement

If you would like more detailed information, or believe our decision was made in error, or to simply discuss, please reply to this email and let us know.

Thanks very much for your interest in Virtual Marketplace. We wish you all the best!

Bell Virtual Marketplace service
Performance based advertising made simple


IPUB.CA.CX DE LA PUB RIEN QUE DE LA PUB ! - Copyright 2003-2009 All Rights Reserved
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