CONCOURS : le metro de Londres lance une compétition de photo amateur

Have a snappy Christmas !

Une façon simple et originale de mobiliser les personnes qui utilisent les transports en commun. La société de transport de Londres invite tous les photographes amateurs à s'inscrire au concours : CAPTURE

Les photos peuvent être prise depuis un véhicule de la flotte de Londres. Selon les organisateurs : "Viewing London from a train offers a wealth of photographic opportunities"

Capture the capital on camera this Christmas and you could be in with a chance of winning one of two fantastic prizes worth an estimated £1,000. Competition entries could show famous monuments or landmarks such as Alexandra Palace or Battersea power station, or capture open spaces like Hackney marshes.

Alternatively, photos could be of attractive parks, streets or skylines that simply sum up the city at Christmas - a view that may be missed from the pavement or in a car. The competition will run until Friday, January 6 and is open to amateur photographers only. Photographs can be submitted in either print or digital format and entrants must include their name, address, date of birth, contact telephone number and email address (if applicable). They should also include details of where the photograph was taken. Prints must be sent to Metro photo competition, fourth floor, 121 Great Portland Street, London W1W 6QL.

Digital images (no larger than 8mb) should be emailed to

All entries will be judged by a panel that will include representatives of Transport for London and National Rail, and winners will be notified at the earliest opportunity.Unfortunately photographs cannot be returned. For a full list of the competition terms and conditions go to

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