PUB: Le Grand livre des crabes. Encore plus de magie

Après la version courte, découvrez en exclusivité la longue.

PUB: Moleskine Mini

A new video by dutch artist Rogier Wieland illustrates the new Moleskine Extra Small Planners, Weekly and Daily.

VIDEO: Google thanks 1 million Adwords customers by name in one impressive video

Google Adwords - Thank You from PostPanic on Vimeo.

VIRAL: Lady Gaga is dead

On December 1st, Hollywood dies a digital death. The world's top celebrity tweeters are sacrificing their digital lives to give real life to millions of people affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa and India. Watch their full last tweet and testaments and buy their digital lives back at .

RENCONTRE: LAB event art actuel pour Amnistie Internationale

Amnistie internationale vous invite à un cocktail artistique le jeudi 25 novembre 2010 de 17h30 à 22h00 au Eastern Bloc, un centre dédié à la production et la diffusion des arts médiatiques et interdisciplinaires. Cet événement (2e édition) saura satisfaire les néophytes aussi bien que les connaisseurs d’art actuel. VJing, prestations audio-visuelles, et autres surprises vous en mettront plein la vue.

Roadsworth, édition 2009:

Ouananiche présentera un remix du court métrage NEXT FLOOR de Denis Villeneuve (meilleur court-métrage Cannes 2008).

Ouananiche est vorace de films qu’il cuisine et recompose dans des collages vidéo-musicaux. Quand PHI Group lui a proposé d’être le remixeur officiel de Next Floor, véritable joyau du monde du court-métrage, c’était comme lui ouvrir la porte de son garde-manger. Ce film de 11 minutes, réalisé par Denis Villeneuve, qui a écumé les festivals et remporté de nombreux prix à travers le monde, est devenu une matière première que Ouananiche découpe, mixe, assaisonne, en un festin pour vos yeux avides et pour vos oreilles affamées. L’artiste du mash-up audiovisuel n’en a fait qu’une bouchée.

Collectionner l’art actuel 50/50 : Les collectionneurs pourront acquérir des œuvres contemporaines de jeunes artistes montants à un prix raisonnable. La moitié du prix de vente ira aux artistes et l’autre moitié ira à Amnistie internationale. De plus, un reçu de charité sera émis aux acheteurs pour la portion (50%) qui sera versée à Amnistie. Éric Bolduc, commissaire de l’exposition, a rassemblé une douzaine d’artistes émergents et en mi-carrière, incluant de jeunes talents représentés en galerie:

  1. Alana Riley
  2. Guillaume Simoneau
  3. Jason Botkin
  4. Jean-François Bouchard
  5. Jean-Sébastien Denis
  6. Jessica Auer
  7. Julie Ouellet
  8. Marisa Portolese
  9. Paul Bourgault
  10. Peter Gibson (Roadsworth)
  11. Philippe Allard
  12. Robert Bos
  13. Sophie Jodoin

Invité spécial : Alain Tremblay sera parmi nous pour témoigner de sa passion pour l’art et les artistes d’ici. À l’occasion d’une causerie informelle et ouverte à tous, ce grand collectionneur montréalais vous expliquera ce qui a motivé ses premiers élans et ce que l’acte de collectionner lui apporte au quotidien.

L’évènement désire également sensibiliser la population à la situation socioéconomique fragile des artistes ainsi que leurs droits et liberté d’expression.

Guillaume Simoneau, édition 2009:

Un évènement punché!

Coût d’entrée : 20 $
comptant ou chèque, libellé à l’ordre de « Amnistie internationale »

Des bouchées seront servies.

mention obligatoire : Jean-François Bouchard, gracieuseté de la Galerie SAS

Le Eastern Bloc est situé au 7240 Clark, 2e étage, tout près du métro De Castelnau.

Amnisitie internationale est un mouvement mondial indépendant d’hommes et de femmes qui militent pour le respect des droits humains.

PUB: Condom No condom ?

Vidéo interactive 18 ans et + .


STREET: nu lasa telefonul sa te conduca

Fake accident a clever use of beamvertising.

PUB: Your NO. It changes everything

Serbian campaign.

A study among young people showed that 15.1% of first year high school at least once used psychoactive substances, other than tobacco and alcohol. The study was published at a news conference at which was also announced a preventive campaign by the Ministry of Health and the European Union in Serbia against drug abuse under the motto “United Against Drugs”.

The campaign aims to promote awareness of the dangers and consequences of drug use in the general population, with special emphasis on high-risk groups aged 16 to 24 years.


PUB: UNICEF and Lowe Indonesia promote healthy media habits for children

Engaging children in active play and encouraging them to avoid excessive and unsupervised TV watching and gaming, is at the centre of a UNICEF Indonesia print and TV advertisement campaign.

PUB: philips Wake-up

Ouep je me pose la question si c'est vraiment efficace cette lampe. Qu'en pensez-vous ?

La luminothérapie consiste à s’exposer à la lumière du jour ou à une lumière diffusée par des lampes fluorescentes ou de type DEL. La lampe Wake-up Plus permet de se réveiller naturellement en simulant la lumière du lever de soleil. La lumière fait augmenter le niveau d’hormones énergétiques dans le corps afin de le préparer à se lever.

Bref Philips nous fait la démo des bénéfices de sa lampe avec... un Coq. Au Costco un autre modèle la lampe goLITE BLU est vendu 157$ + taxes, avez vous essayé ce type de produit si oui avez vous constaté des effets bénéfiques ?.



Buy a tshirt,
support a non profit

You know them by name, sight and reputation.
The organizations they lead are household names
and among them most powerful in the world.
They run the world, have power and money, rot our planet,
lobotomize culture, selling toxic products, defrauding the system,
breaking laws and that's just the tip of the rapidly melting ice berg.

They respect nothing, have no values, except those in their stock portfolio
and are rewarded with mind-boggling bonuses, despite their deplorable actions.

They are the presidents.
In three words, "They **** us."
The idea is enfuriatingly simple.
We Are Ze Presidents aims to shine an ironic spotlight on these elites
using the common and ubiquitous tshirt, so we remember who they are.

By purchasing one of these tshirts, you will also help support
many non-profit organizations that every day try
to repair the consequences of Ze President's actions.

For each sale, WAZP gives back 5$ to specific activist organizations
working against the organization of the chairman concerned.

Maybe through humor and ridicule we can change the world.
At least, through the fraudulent use of their image we stand united in our message.

Through this accidental philanthropism
finally these world leaders can be help a cause other than their own greed.



SITE: nike Defiant. The story of Athletics West.

Un doux mélange d'Andy Warhol et d'AEON FLUX (la série animée)

PUB: nike oregon to spain

Nice boots!

PUB: T-Mobile Heathrow terminal 5

Celui-là est pas mal cool !

PUB: Power smart

BACK TO THE BASICS:The most ridiculous thing about wasting power is that for some reason we don't think it is ridiculous.

Go to for more ways to find out how to be smart with your power.

TENDANCE: Vivre léger : 60 tendances pour demain

Vous vous demandez : Comment vivre léger ?

A cette question très actuelle, des architectes, des designers, des stylistes, des cuisiniers et d'autres créateurs apportent leur réponse. Imaginez un monde où l'on a besoin de presque rien, juste d'un nécessaire qui se veut à la fois esthétique, durable et social... Embarquement immédiat pour un tour du monde en 60 tendances. Hamdam Mostafavi

Ce hors-série de Courrier international disponible chez votre marchand de journaux.

■ Vous pouvez également l'acheter dans notre boutique en ligne en cliquant ici

ART PROJECT: Forces Of Nice, an art collab project with adidas originals.

Chairman Ting Industries, Tom Pettapiece and Tangible Interaction are proud to present you Forces Of Nice, a nice art collaboration project with adidas Originals. We are super stoked on this collaborative art show with adidas where we will showcase the art of Chairman Ting, the music of Tom Pettapiece and the interactive experience of Tangible Interaction. This is an exclusive invite only event at adidas Originals Flagship in Hong Kong. x

Forces Of Nice, an art collab project with adidas Originals from Chairman Ting on Vimeo.

PUB: break the habit

Bon lundi ensoleillé, la nature est belle, les gens souriant c'est une journée d'automne formidable...

The Precinct Studios, Sydney has released 'Break the Habit, a new web film that aims to draw attention to the epidemic of childhood obesity in Australia.

The spot directly targets parents who continue to feed their children junk food regardless of the damaging effects it is known to cause them. By comparing junk food to drug abuse, the commercial aims to make parents stop and think about their actions and remind them that junk food is a major contributor of childhood obesity, which is linked to a variety of chronic illnesses.
Says Henry Motteram, managing director of The Precinct Studios: "Parents need to be aware that if their children become obese, it is more than likely because of them. For whatever reason, many parents ignore the early signs that surround the onset of obesity and fail in their duty of care to address the problem. It is hoped that this commercial will highlight this and get people talking about the topic".

'Break the Habit' launched via social networking sites in a successful bid to start a discussion around not only childhood obesity but parents responsibility in the matter.

Producer - Henry Motteram
Director - Melvin J. Montalban
Editor - Melvin J. Montalban
D0P - Tania Lambert
Music Sound Production - Peter McCorquodale @ McCrocodile Audio
Colourist - Trish @ Hi-Def Video Services
Producer's Assistant - Natasha Jackson
Gaffer - Matt Russell
Camera Assistant - Mark Collins
Production Assistant - Aragorn Fenton
Mother - Mikaela Martin

SITE: breast fest film fest

breast cancerRethink Breast Cancer in Canada is again marking Breast Cancer Action Month (October) with an online campaign associated with the Breast Fest Film Fest in Toronto. The film festival, on November 19-21, will be screening seven short films from Japan, USA, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Canada and Singapore. Eight short films are available on the Breast Fest site, including PSAs, comedy, dance pieces, photo treatments, with one piece earning the filmmaker $1500, a trip to Toronto and the Amazing Grace Award. The Breast Fest site entry page itself is a visual statement on the impact of breast cancer. Try to play each of the YouTube videos on the page…

PUB: How to spend a 1000,- in Amsterdam

Bien exécutée, bonne idée pour Tourisme Montreal.

PUB: Nokia N8

It's not technology, it's what you do with it.

People all over the world are doing amazing things with Nokia smartphones. From creating a hamster-powered phone charger that keeps their Nokia topped up, to turning their device into something that can help diagnose fatal diseases in remote areas. Incredible. Here are just some of the projects out there that have been discovered.

Find out more about the projects and the brilliant people behind them at or pre order yours at

BLOG: en conge parental

Fidèles lectrices et lecteurs,

Je vous informe que le blog IPUB est en vacance jusqu'en septembre. Je suis en congé parental pour le moment et je tiens a profiter pleinement de ces moments uniques avec ma petite fille.

Je reprendrais mes publications mi-septembre après un passage à Burning Man (merci SID LEE).

Merci de votre compréhension
Jean julien

Pour patienter je vous conseille la lecture du Hors série de Courrier International sur les tendances SLOW ou FAST.

SITE: diesel + a hundred lovers

Seul regret qu'il 'est pas rendu la vidéo Youtube interactive. L'expérience est plus le fun sur le site de Diesel.

Blurring the line between music promo and online style catalogue, the latest offering from Anomaly and Stink Digital takes Diesels Be Stupid manifesto to the web with an interactive fashion-forward look at the labels new Spring/Summer collection. Commissioned by Diesel and hosted at, the film doubles as the debut video for breaking musical talent Josep Xorto, featuring the singers forthcoming track A Hundred Lovers.

PUB: Qualcomm Emergency Press Conference

PUB: VW the fun theory

The winner :

SITE: kick ass the movie

jean julien Guyot, KICK ASS THE MOVIE, ipub, blog, strategy,,, facebook connect
Une campagne fort simple liée à Facebook Connect pour créer votre SUPER HÉROS, puis de l'intégrer dans le trailer du film pour participer à un concours.

Become the next KICK-ASS Superhero to Win a Cameo in Kick-Ass 2, the Comic! Watch Kick-Ass in theaters April 16

"Kick-Ass" Application Walk-Through from Ralph on Vimeo.

CONCOURS: Camper citiy telling

jean julien guyot, ipub, camper, story telling,,

PUB: un parfum pour les chiens d'aveugles

Support Scent is the first form of support ever that has been specifically designed for the vision impaired to sense. One that appeals to the sense of smell, as opposed to so many others that appeal to vision.

By purchasing and wearing Support Scent you’ll not only be raising funds for Guide Dogs Australia (one of the country’s most pre-eminent charities dedicated to the vision impaired), but actually letting vision impaired individuals themselves have a chance to be aware that the wider community cares. After all it’s one thing to be told about support, but quite another to experience it.

Scented Braille letters (and other letter forms preferred by the vision impaired) imbued with Support Scent will be sent out in advance to the blind and vision impaired where possible, ensuring they can recognise the fragrance.

With no government funding for Guide Dog programs, local Guide Dog organisations rely heavily on the generosity of individuals and corporations to fund their vital work. Support Scent is a dedicated national project to make people more aware of the plight of the vision impaired and show the difference that a Guide Dog makes to their lives.

PUB: BETCLIC passe à l'attaque dans les jeux en ligne !

Betclic à l’attaque de l’Italie ! Avec l’ouverture des jeux en ligne sur le marché italien, Betclic Poker a lancé une vidéo promotionnelle pour son site.

envoyé par lachosebarkette. - Foot, rugby, surf et encore plus de sports en vidéo.

VIRAL: Doyouchat not another chatroulette.

par le Mouvement Ni Putes Ni Soumises

PUB: Nike Stadium Brazil

Creative mastermind Matt Pyke with UK-based design and art studio Universal Everything are at it again with an awe-inspiring short movie that celebrates the release of the 2010 Brazils National Team Jersey.

Combining different styles from generative design to retrofuturistic low-polygon modeling, the short film is an abstract journey that tells the story behind the birth and the development of the newly designed uniform.

PUB: British Telecom new fibre optic broadband service

BT Infinity

PUB: adidas The Street Where Originality Lives

Welcome to the street where originality lives; the adidas Originals neighborhood. This is where athletes, musicians, skaters, artists, entertainers and more all come together to show their colors, their style and their originality.

PUB: adidas: The Feather Leads to the Revolution

adidas Japan has kicked off its latest phase of World Cup activities with an animated comic featuring national hero, Nakamura Shunske. The digital piece, created by TBWA\HAKUHODO, is the first in a series describing the journey of the Japan team through to the World Cup and will help create the spark that will start a revolution with Japanese fans as they cheer on the National Team.



PUB: philips Pinkman

Here’s another work from Pinkman AKA Alberto Mielgo, a ridiculously sexy spot.

STREET: rain campaign

RAINCAMPAIGN® is an innovating, surprising environmental friendly outdoor advertising campaign using only rainwater. ... PAS CONVAINCU ET VOUS ?

PUB: Drench RUBIK Head

Une tête so british pour la marque DRENCH JUICY SPRING de BRITVIC !


HORS MEDIA: Bacardi express

En Amérique du Nord, Budweiser a son avion, en Australie Bacardi son train...pas le même budget.

PUB: Tourisme Belgique

La Flandre vous a réservé une place au premier rang du plus fou des défilés. Sur le podium, ses villes d'art, Bruxelles, Anvers, Bruges ou Ostende défilent et vous font découvrir tous leurs trésors : créations d'artistes branchés, chefs-d'œuvre incontournables du patrimoine, spécialités à savourer du très beau et du très bon qui pourraient bien vous rendre fou de Flandre.

Pas sur que cela donne vraiment le gout d'y aller qu'en penses tu DUC ?

PUB: Belgian Natural Gas

The idea of the film is simple. How to visualize the warmth of natural gas? By the use of the stop motion technic, we see how warmth spreads through the house as knitted wool. A film of TBWA Brussels, directed by Olivier Babinet produced by Lovo Films. Don't forget to check out the making of how we did it!

PUB: the impossible Hamster Club

Why rich countries need a new economic direction?

Four years on from nef's Growth isn’t Working, this new report goes one step further and tests that thesis in detail in the context of climate change and energy. It argues that indefinite global economic growth is unsustainable. Just as the laws of thermodynamics constrain the maximum efficiency of a heat engine, economic growth is constrained by the finite nature of our planet’s natural resources (biocapacity).


SITE: WEQUIT utiliser facebook pour arrêter de fumer

Use this facebook app and go smoke free

jean julien Guyot, ipub, blogue, strategy,,
WeQuit is the app that motivates you and your friends to give up smoking and stay smoke free. It tracks your progress, challenges you and your mates, provides useful tips to quit and gives you a friendly nudge in the right direction. Created by the charity, No Smoking Day, the app is free and simple to use, so why not add it to your Facebook profile for an easy way to quit.

PUB: OASIS Let's all chant remix by Bob Sinclar

Les fruits Oasis s'éclatent au beach volley. Exclusivité: les feuilles Thé sont également de la partie. Qui va gagner ? Réponse à la fin !

SITE: Thierry Mugler Womanity

Thierry Mugler invites women of the world to connect and communicate through Mr.Mugler imagined and launched this interactive platform to be an expressive space built on the natural bonds existing between all women.

jean julien guyot, womanity, thierry Mugler, blog, ipub,,, strategy

IPUB.CA.CX DE LA PUB RIEN QUE DE LA PUB ! - Copyright 2003-2009 All Rights Reserved
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